You’re probably thinking, “hey, it’s not Sunday the 30th of July! It’s closer to July 21st!” that’s because I’ve pre-recorded two shows for while I’m on vacation and I couldn’t figure out how to post them while I’m gone.
Today’s show is the second installment of Ron David’s interview with Fay Wells. If you missed show number 52, go back and listen to that one first, it will make a lot more sense to you! Without further ado (I’ve always wanted to say that), here’s Ron and Fay.
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Listen to the Podcast once – 22 min 51 sec
I hope you enjoyed this fabulous interview with an amazing lady. Part of my motivation in playing these wonderful interview segments was to Ron to finally get going on doing his own podcast. He really wants to do it, and I think he’d be a great contribution to the podcasting community, so if you want to hear more, please email Ron at and ask him to get started on doing a podcast! As always, you please email me your comments suggestions and questions at Thanks for listening and stay subscribed.
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great blog, keep it comming.