Podcast Expo (Podcast and New Media Expo) fun and learning. Here’s a list of links mentioned from the Expo: Bill Palmer of iProng.com, Sean Carruthers and Andy Walker from LabRats, Craig Syverson of gruntmedia.com, Kinji Kato recommended, this book Revolutionary QuickTime Pro 5 & 6, Don McCallister of screencastsonline.com, John Chambers of the Oneminutetip podcast, […]
Continue readingMonth: September 2007
Show #113 Linux Dependencies, JAlbum, BananAlbum, Gallery
New desk, more on video editing in linux and those darn dependencies, enhanced keypad tip, new sponsor Wall Street Journal, JAlbum at jalbum.net and BananAlbum from bananalbum.com, Gallery at gallery.menalto.com, iPhoto has a locked down library, Honda Bob asks you some questions, Podcast Expo coming up this week. Subscribe: Listen to the Podcast Once (45 […]
Continue readingShow #112 Hanks History Hour, Acorn, Keynote, iPhone Hack
Chrome wheel care, Safari tab switching, dependency heck in Linux, Google Flight Simulator, hdabob.com asks for feedback on his site, hankshistoryhour.com goes live for AP European History, Acorn from flyingmeat.com for a low priced light image editing application, Bart’s review of Apple’s new Keynote at bartbusschots.ie/blog, and his Physics lecture , and Allison hacks her […]
Continue readingShow #111 MTurk to find Steve Fossett, Viddler, All My Faves, JibJab Starring You
Mechanical Turk to help find Steve Fossett at mturk.com, MacMommy’s Picasa Web Albums uploader Tutorial, hdabob.com, Parallels Compressor explained, how to have a numeric keypad on a Mac laptop, Firefox tips for multiple home pages and tab navigation from Kyle, Viddler from viddler.com for video uploads, Velcommen – how to play the happy new Mac […]
Continue readingShow #110 Palm vs Blackberry vs iPhone, CSS Viewer, iPhoto 7, SongTapper
Wine in the keyboard update, Tim’s review of TurtleWax ICE car polish icepolish.com, Palm OS vs. Blackberry vs. iPhone, CSS Viewer from addons.mozilla.org. Jump starting Steve’s car with Honda bob’s help at hdabob.com/Charging.htm, Bart’s review of iPhoto 7 at bartbusschots.ie, SongTapper from songtapper.com, Mahalo Follow doesn’t pan out. Subscribe: Listen to the Podcast Once (47 […]
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