#132 Audio CAPTCHA, iPoddisk, Disclabel, Dictate, Hippstr, Leo Rant

Honda Bob was missing last week (hdabob.com), NosillaCast makes the front page in iTunes (of software how-to), blog.opendns.com figures out how to do audio captchas, iPoddisk for moving music from your iPod to your Mac from code.google.com/p/ipoddisk. Two interviews from MacWorld Expo: Jean MacDonald of Smile On My Mac talking about their product Disclabel, and […]

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#131 MacWorld Expo

Netflix doesn’t work on the Mac, but they’re not the enemy, SpinRite testimonial from Donald and grc.com. Macworld Podcasters meetup, the mac Mixer, interview with educators Joe & Regina, Al meets John C. Dvorak (dvorak.org/blog), Bart & Al discuss the actual MacWorld announcements. Listen to the Podcast Once (47 min 04 sec) [tags]Macintosh, podcast, Tivo, […]

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#130 Weaknees, Hyperion E-Waste Museum, MacWorld Predictions,Windows Weekly

Cocoa vs. Carbon explained, fixed focus vs. fixed focal length explained. Uploaded video options: Vimeo.com from Drew, stage6.com and veoh.com from Daniel. Scott goes to Alaska to do the homework assignment, Tim’s missing podcast episodes returned using AtomicParsley from atomicparsley.sourceforge.net. Dead Tivo comes to life thanks to Weaknees.com and downloaded ABC shows review. Hyperion E-Waste […]

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#129 Postcard Viewer, Youtube is over & Viddler rocks, RapidoWrite, Sigma lens

Lots of nice email feedback on the new sound, Anthony does his homework assignment in Vermont but now we need Alaska, New Year’s power outage. Postcard Viewer from airtightinteractive.com/projects/postcardviewer and the iPhoto plugin for it at hagus.net. ZOOM H2 Handy Recorder from Sam Ash. Why Allison is the coolest mom ever – burning dinosaur at […]

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