#162 The TrabCast, Bart, Lovely Listener James, Jane, and Rose Entertain the Crowds

A nice note from Rose, a great review of Inquisitor by Jane, a Dumb Question from Listener Debbie T, three iPhone Apps reviewed by Bart, and a Chit Chat Across the Pond with Lovely Listener James.

Listen to the Podcast Once (50 min)

Dumb Question Cornerette

From Listener Debbie T: ”I have a question…and maybe you could use it for the dumb question corner, but in trying to figure out the OpenDNS stuff, I went through the process of changing my router’s DNS to their numbers…and then I signed up for an account. They have software to download, is this something that I need? Or would changing the router be enough. I also added a network to my account, but I don’t know if that’s enough. I feel so lost, aaaack. Help Alison! I must be getting old because I can’t seem to focus on any of this!”

Short answer: “Yes, just entering the ‘numbers’ (AKA IP addresses) is enough to be safe”

Long Answer: watch these great videos from the Typical Mac User Podcast:

The iPhone Apps Reviewed By Bart:

Chit-Chat Across the Pond Links

3 thoughts on “#162 The TrabCast, Bart, Lovely Listener James, Jane, and Rose Entertain the Crowds

  1. debbie T - August 4, 2008

    Yay, Bart you did a great job! I was on vacation last week, and didn’t get a chance to listen to the podcast until this AM.

    Thank you for answering my panic question about DNS. I feel better knowing that I made the right choice. I don’t think I need any of the other software or settings, as we are an adults only house as well.

  2. Telma - October 28, 2008

    You write very well.

  3. I’m a Liar - Podfeet Podcasts - December 28, 2024

    […] July 27, 2008 Bart did his first stand-in on NosillaCast #162. I’ll finish this by letting you listen to the very young voice of Bart Busschots who seems to […]

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