#195 Slau, DVDpedia, Cha-ching, Encrypted Disk Images

Sessions from Slau at sessionswithslau.com, Dumb Question Corner reveals laser-specific search in Spotlight from usingmac.com. DVDpedia from bruji.com/dvdpedia goes up against Delicious Library and wins for only $18 from bruji.com/dvdpedia. In Chit Chat Across the Pond, Bart explains that Adobe has patched their services and he does a review fo the $40 personal finance management […]

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#194 MacMommyMeetup, Time Saving Tutorials, Kindle for iPhone, Pop Rocks, QuickScale vs. ResizeMe

What time is it? Meetup with TheMacMommy twitter.com/themacmommy and played with her Huckleberry from ecamm.com. Len Charnoff’s timesavingtutorials.com. BJ shows his enthusiasm for the Kindle iPhone app, and a silly distraction called Pop Rocks from codesorcery.net. Bruce gives a less than favorable review of the Eye-Fi Traveller from eye.fi and you can follow him at […]

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#193 FastMac iV, Addictomatic, Free PC apps, Audacity tutorial, Kindle 2, Maxtor One Touch, Raw vs. Jpeg

Addictomatic for aggregating web 2.0 searches addictomatic.com. Audio Hijack Pro from rogueamoeba.com and Azid from Softpedia at Softpedia. 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC maximumpc.com. Al finally releases her Audacity Tutorial in the right sidebar at podfeet.com under tutorials. Pat Dengler reviews theKindle 2 from Amazon, and Maxtor One Touch for […]

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