Katie Floyd of Mac Power Users takes over the show this week while Allison and Steve are away on their Nosillacon European Adventure. Katie discusses the Hulu Plus service and the many uses for an Airport Express. Continuing on her quest for the perfect note taking app on the iPad, Allison sent ahead her review of […]
Continue readingMonth: August 2010
#274 iPhone Jailbreaking, Poll Everywhere, Internet Deprivation
John Malonson joins the show to talk about his iPhone jailbreaking experience. Sites he mentioned are: Rock from rockyourphone.com, Cydia at cydia.saurik.com, and Redmond Pie at redmondpie.com. He recommends Google voice Mobile, MyWi for wi-fi tethering, but wasn’t impressed with Frash. Adam Hermann recommends ScreenSteps at ScreenSteps.com. A detailed review of Poll Everywhere from polleverywhere.com […]
Continue reading#273 iClooly and MindNode Touch
No live show next week on 22 August, contact Katie Floyd at [email protected] to send her content for the show on the 29th. iClooly Multi-Touch Pen for the iOS devices from iclooly.com. Greg Devore from ScreenSteps joins us live on the show for the first time. Full review of MindNode Touch for iOS from mindnode.com. […]
Continue reading#272 iBooks, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Borders apps, Sennheiser PMX80 Sport Headphones
Katie’s running the show on 28 August so send in your reviews to [email protected]. An extensive comparison review of the four eBook readers: Apple iBooks, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and Borders. George from Tulsa tells us about the tech gear he got his daughter for college: Acer TimelineX 3820, Fuji ScanSnap S1300, and the Brother-HL5370DW. […]
Continue reading#271 Nosillacon III Planning, Australian iPhone Adventure, MacJournal, Battery Survey, Photography Composition
Mom turns 90, Nosillacon III our European tour and podcast adventure starts to get planned and Katie Floyd of macpowerusers.com volunteers to cover the show while I’m gone. ShaiY tells the harrowing tale of buying an iPhone in Australia, including the modification of his SIM card via the instructions at buy-microsim.com. Jim Sewell, aka @deverill […]
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