#336 Blindfolded, SCOtutor for Lion, Award Wallet, DiffMerge, Autumnal Cleaning

I’m speaking at Macworld | iWorld on blind accessibility – calling my speech Blindfolded! Week one of my VoiceOver learning experience. SCOtutor for Lion from Don McAllister from the Mac App Store. Rod Simmons reviews Award Wallet free in iTunes and the Android Marketplace. He also dedicates the Backyardigans Castaways song to the NosillaCastaways. George […]

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#335 Appt Dialer, CUSeeMe, xMenu, LED Notifications on iOS 5, Windows 8 Inaccessibility, Mac Mania 15

Domain Name Hosting vs. Web Hosting explained in Dumb Question Corner, and Rod Simmons of the Simple Mobile Review tells us about ApptDialer to set up conference call numbers in your iPhone. Waxing nostalgic about CUSeeMe from the 1990s and how Steve and I saw the future in that early video application. George tells us […]

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#333 Steve Jobs, OSX Services, CardRescue, Kindle Inaccessibility, Windows Phone 7 Mango

Tribute to Steve Jobs, Dorothy asks a Dumb Question about Services is answered by Bart Busschots of bartb.ie and George from Tulsa reviews CardRescue from WinRecovery Software for saving photos on problematic memory cards. Amazon Affiliates are back in California, so please use podfeet.com’s Amazon link when you’re buying things there? Dr. Robert Carter explains […]

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