#381 Time to Upgrade to Mountain Lion, Installer Disk Space, WindowSeat, Mountain Lion Pricing and VMs, Remote Management, Proxy Icons, Name Mangler

We’ve got a couple of updates from last week’s show about VMs in Windows 8 and PDF Toolkit. I answer Dumb Questions from Professor Albert and Rick from Baltimore about Mountain Lion upgrades and Installers that ask for too much disk space. Then Tom Stewart returns with a review of the iOS app WindowSeat. Back […]

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#380 Mac Computer Expo, Gas Buddy, Backbeat Go Bluetooth Headset, OmniDazzle, Remote Mouse, PDF Toolkit, Windows 8

I’m speaking at the Mac Computer Expo on Saturday October 6th in Petaluma, you should come for only $7! Rod Simmons reviews Gas Buddy from GasBuddy.com, Chris Ashley reviews the Backbeat Go Stereo Bluetooth Headset and Timothy Gregoire tells us about the free app omnigroup.com/products/omnidazzle/ to help viewers track your mouse. I review Remote Mouse […]

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#379 iRig Mic Cast, Daisy Disk, Trent iCurve, BlackBerry Playbook, Marked and TextWrangler, Backup Photos on iPad, Mountain Lion Voice Dictation, Ubuntu on VirtualBox

We have a review of the iRig Mic Cast from Mike McPeek, Allister Jenks tells us about Daisy Disk to analyze your disk to help you harvest disk space, Steve Davidson explains how the Trent iCurve IMP700 battery charger helped him in Italy. Bob DeGrande takes a controversial view and tells us why he purposely […]

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#378 ScreenCastsOnline Monthly Mag, SoundBunny, MacTubes, TunnelBear, Mountain Lion Security

Don McAllister’s Super Secret Project is revealed as the ScreenCastsOnline Monthly Mag for iPad with Don’s videos and reviews and tutorials by notables such as me, an (unfavorable) review of SoundBunny from prosofteng.com, and a very positive review of MacTubes from macapps.sakura.ne.jp. Donald Burr gives us a tutorial on how to install the Youtube5 extension […]

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