#464 Macworld Show, Blaze EZ, Grip&Shoot, iBlazr, Hoodivision, Prong, TrüProtection, Applr, Transcend, Two Canoes, Emulsio, Kamino

Fun at Macworld, feedback that you can change whether Mail saves drafts on the server, Chris Ashley from Wingadget News has a public service announcement about how to not use 3TB a month of data. Last interview from the CSUN Persons With Disabilities Expo: Blaze EZ from hims-inc.com. From Macworld we had these interviews (soon […]

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#463 Travel Tech, Boom, Omnigraffle, ChargeDr, Tack-Tiles, BigGrips, UbiDuo, WHILL, CSUN Disability Expo

Tech weirdness on travel, what gadgets we used and didn’t use. ChargeDr from Digital Innovations to help me charge my devices, and OmniGraffle in the Mac App Store saves my sanity in making my Travel Diagram of Doom. Interviews from the CSUN Persons With Disabilities Expo include Big Grips Frame from biggrips.com, sComm UbiDuo for […]

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#462 Watershot underwater iPhone case, IcyDock EZ-Dock, AnyFont, teaching technology to the young and old

This show is guest hosted by Allister Jenks. Dorothy, aka MacLurker, reviews the Watershot Underwater camera housing for iPhone, Bart reviews the IcyDock EZ-Dock hard drive “toaster” for cheaper disk expansion, I review AnyFont for installing your own fonts on iOS and Melissa Davis, aka TheMacMommy, joins me to discuss teaching the old and young how to use […]

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