Use Custom Fields to Tell Your Contacts Apart

The Apple Contacts application isn’t really designed to handle how many different ways we have of contacting people these days. In particular it’s awful at handling couples in a single card entry. Let’s say you’re friends with Bob and Sally Schwinkendorf. You send them a holiday card every year so you want both of their names in the same card. But then when you go to call one of them, you’re faced with two mobile numbers and you can’t tell which one is which.

Most people create three cards, one for Bob’s cell, one for Sally’s cell and a third with them together for the holiday card. It’s a mess! This quick tip will help you keep them in one card and yet still tell them apart. You can use this tip in OSX or iOS and of course it works in both when you’re done.

Full credit goes to Steve Sheridan for this awesome tip! Follow the link below for the tutorial:

1 thought on “Use Custom Fields to Tell Your Contacts Apart

  1. Philip From Australia - July 7, 2014

    The only down side to this tip is that it does NOT identify the phone if you are sent a SMS/iMessage. That caught me out when I thought I was texting my brother, when in fact I was texting his wife (who was using my niece’s phone).

    Just a warning.


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