#529 Be the Match, Audio Hijack Audio Unit Effects, Spigen Apple Watch Stand, Transcend SSD, XARA Security

In a weak moment I encourage you to send in improvement suggestions and even give examples of suggestions I’ve implemented. Honda Bob needs your help; he needs a bone marrow transplant. You can register by going to https://join.bethematch.org. I learned a ton about Audio Hijack from Dave Hamilton and Don McAllister after I taught a […]

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#528 Macstock & Midwest Mac BBQ, LastPass Don’t Panic, Reminders Nano, iOS Dictation Mic Volume, QFD, Dean Elger Angry Man

Macstock Conference and Expo and the Midwest Mac BBQ in Chicago was a HUGE hit and will definitely be repeated next year so start making plans now! Bart explains (in my voice) why you shouldn’t panic about the LastPass breach. Donald Burr tells us about the 99-cent app Reminders Nano for iPhone and Apple Watch. […]

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