Bart and I may have broken a record on Chit Chat Across the Pond this week. We went through so much material in Programming By Stealth that this show runs 100 minutes! The funny thing is that I wasn’t ever bored, it was all really interesting. We started by going over last time’s JavaScript challenge where I made some mistakes but node.js saved me so I didn’t realize I’d entirely missed the point. I’m still getting the hang of that object thing. The we learned one final new concept related to JavaScript prototypes: static functions. The we finished that we went over to the html side and learned how to make forms, checkboxes and radio buttons. Not nearly as mentally challenging as JavaScript to be sure, especially since you can see the changes right on screen when you mess with them. Speaking of messing with them, Bart teaches us how to use jQuery to find out what our buttons and checkboxes say and to change them. He does this all with particular attention to using ARIA to ensure our html is accessible.
As always you can find his excellent tutorial to follow along at…