Chit Chat Across the Pond Lite logo Two interlocking ribbons, one red, one blue. The word Lite is across the logo in a playful font. The podfeet (two little bare feet) are in the upper right. The background is dark blue with Chat and Chat in the upper left and lower right corners with "across the pond" in thin letter across the bottom. Sounds more confusing than it is!

CCATP #496 – Bart Busschots on Yoink, MultiTimer and Due

This week our guest is Bart Busschots, but this isn’t a heavy lifting episode. Instead Bart’s going to tell us about three apps he’s just acquired on the advice of the NosillaCastaways and about which he’s really excited. He’s going to write blog posts about them soon, so keep an eye on this post to see the links to them. He’s going to tell us about Yoink fro the Mac, and MultiTimer and Due for iOS.

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Yoink is an app that helps you drag text and documents from one app to another, especially useful if you’re a big Spaces fan. You can get Yoink in the Mac App Store for $7 and there’s a free trial at…

During the show you’ll hear us fumble about a bit about how to enable three-fingered drag on Bart’s MacBook. I mentioned that I have a blog post on how to find it (spoiler, it’s in Accessibility):…


MultiTimer is an iOS app that allows you to set multiple timers in a really beautiful interface. It’s free, with a $4.99 in-app purchase if you want/need the Pro features:…

I mention the Pomodoro Technique which you can read about here:…


Due is a reminders app from You can buy it for $4.99 for iOS:… and $9.99 on the Mac:

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