This week our guest is Kaylee of the Zettai Geek Dayo podcast. You con find the podcast at and you can find Kaylee on Twitter at @kayleedayo.
Audio Player- Importance of IR Blasters for IoT in Japan
- Allison’s definition of IR Blaster…
- IRKit…
- Japanese Web Design – compare:
vs. - iPhone & Apple Dominance / Japanese Mobile Phones
- What was the iPhone lacking compared to J phones?
- The rise and fall of emoji.
- SMS messaging (in the west) vs. “Keitai” (mobile) push email
- Emoji
vs “Kaomoji” ( ´ ▽ ` ) vs LINE Stamps (Stickers)
- How the iPhone won over Japan and gave the world emoji – The Verge
- Flip phones?!
- Popularity of DVDs and other physical media