Steve and I are about to go on a vacation (I know, how do you go on vacation when you’re retired?) Allister and Bart will be bringing you the NosillaCast for March 11th and 18th. They can use your help so please record some reviews for them? We’ve got three Tiny Tips in this week’s show, a review form Terry Austin about the Matias Wireless keyboard, a review by me of a terrific app called Monosnap, and an interview with Otterbox from CES.
Audio PlayerHi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, February 25, 2018, and this is show number 668.
Well, I guess you can tell by last week’s episode that SO excited about my August Smart Lock, that I told you the same story two weeks in a row! I can explain how I did that though. Lately, things post as much as a week or two in advance on the blog before they show up in the podcast. I looked back at the previous week’s blog post and didn’t see August in the title, so I assumed I hadn’t put it in the podcast yet.
The problem was that I DID talk about it but had forgotten to put it into the title of the blog post. Now here’s the second problem. We have a live chat audience (on Discord, at who keeps me honest. Steve monitors the chat while I’m recording. This allows him to keep an eye out for mistakes I’m making while I can’t pay attention. Lately, the chat has gotten really lively ever since we switched to Discord.
So anyway, Brett noticed that I was recording the August story a second time and noted it in the chat room. Steve took a look and said he was mistaken, that Brett was thinking of the interview at CES we’d done with August recently. Sadly Brett was right. I have to say thanks to Brett for trying and also to Kaylee who tweeted me right after the show went up to tell me about my booboo.
This wouldn’t have been so bad if it hadn’t happened in a TWO HOUR NosillaCast! Well, I hope you guys took good use of the artisanally-crafted chapter marks to pop right past the rerun story and move on to the next.
Steve and I are off on another one of our adventures in a few weeks with our good friends Dean and Suzanne. We met them when they crashed our 20th wedding anniversary dinner in Sedona, Arizona, and we’ve made a tradition of getting together every 5 years as a result. This year Steve and I are celebrating 35 years of wedded bliss (well mostly bliss) and so the four of us are going to Paris. We’re pretty excited about it but of course, we will not leave you high and dry without a NosillaCast.
The dulcet tones of Allister Jenks of the Sitting Duck Podcast will be filling in for me for the show that would normally come out on Sunday, March 11th. Since he lives in the future being in New Zealand, it very likely will come out a day early. Bart Busschots has agreed to steward the NosillaCast for the show that’s normally on the 18th of March.
There will be no live NosillaCast on the 11th or 18th of March but you’re welcome to go hang out with the friendly and enthusiastic NosillaCastaways in our Discord chat at at 5 pm. I’m pretty sure that I’m not that instrumental to how much fun they have in there. I’m pretty much the just the catalyst for you guys to hang out!
It also means that Chit Chat Across the Pond will be taking a break for a while, probably starting back up the last week of March with an episode of Programming By Stealth. I hope you’ll support the guys by sending in some audio reviews, that really helps them out. You can email them to them directly at and Thanks in advance for helping them keep the ship afloat and the NosillaCastaways filled with geeky audio.
Chit Chat Across the Pond
This week’s Chit Chat Across the Pond was finally a Lite version, and you really shouldn’t listen to it. If you do, you might end up signing up to go to Macstock this year. I had Mike Potter on the show who runs Macstock Conference and Expo and we had a great talk about the improvements he’s made to an already fantastic experience. We talk about the format of the technical presentations and about how the community feel of this show is like nothing else you have ever experienced. Ask Ian and his son Daniel, they’ll tell you. Don’t go listen to it in your podcatcher of choice under Chit Chat Across the Pond Lite or in the full Chit Chat Across the Pond feed.
Blog Posts
Tiny Tip – Home Button Can Sleep Apple TV and TV/Receiver
After I wrote this up, Jamie Cox made a comment on the blog that helps explain how this works. He said, “For your Apple TV to control power to your TV or AV receiver, you may have to enable HDMI-CEC (High Definition Multimedia Interface-Consumer Electronics Control). On my AV receiver, you have to go into the settings and enable it individually for each HDMI input. If enabled, you should also be able to turn ON the entire system with the Apple remote by pushing menu or home or play.”
Thank you so much for the clarification, Jamie. It just sort of magically worked for us with our new receiver, so CEC must have been enabled by default. And you’re right, I can now turn on my TV and receiver using my Apple TV remote.
Matias Wireless Keyboard – by Terry Austin
Hey Terry – that was fantastic, and the pictures of this Matias keyboard are gorgeous. The space grey reminds me of the keyboard for the iMac Pro. Now Terry gave you a tease at the end of this. If you’ve been around the NosillaCast for a long enough time, you’ll remember a fine gentleman named Tim Verpoorten. He ran the Mac Reviewcast and was a dear friend, but sadly he passed away around 5 years ago. After he passed, his wife Alice shipped all of his tech gear to Steve and me in hopes that we could sell it for her. One of the things I discovered about Tim was that he looooved keyboards. One of the keyboards he had, that we sold, was a Matias FK104 USB keyboard. Didn’t look quite as cool as the new one Terry reviewed, but hearing the name Matias after all these years brought back fond memories of Tim.
Tiny Tip – Keyboard Shortcut to Delete in Save Dialog Boxes
Patreon and Amazon
I just did my taxes and it really brought home to me how generous you are to use the Amazon Affiliate Links to products on and to those who spend their hard-earned dollars by contributing directly to the show via Patreon. And I don’t want to forget those of you who make one-time contributions via PayPal. Seeing the money generated that almost offsets the cost of creating the podcast is really great. Without you guys, we definitely wouldn’t be able to cover shows like CSUN’s Assistive Technology, MacStock, and CES. So thank you to all of you who have pushed the big red button on the homepage that says Support the Show and found a way to contribute that’s right for you and your family.
Monosnap – So Much More Than a Screen Snapshot Tool
Tiny Tip – Screen Record Apple TV
CES 2018: New OtterBox Phone Cases
That’s going to wind this up for this week. Don’t forget to send in your Dumb Questions, comments and suggestions by emailing me at, follow me on twitter @podfeet. Remember, everything good starts with,,,,! And if you want to join in the fun of the live show, head on over to on Sunday nights at 5pm Pacific Time and join the friendly and enthusiastic NosillaCastaways. Thanks for listening, and stay subscribed.