Things take a turn for the mind-bendy in this installment about Bootstrap as Bart Busschots explains the Bootstrap Grid. He teaches us how containers have rows, rows have columns and the number 12 is really important. In the end, he leads me to understanding but it was a bit of a bumpy road getting me […]
Continue readingMore TagMonth: June 2018
Security Bits – Mostly Good News
Followup Following on from security breaches at the 3rd-party companies all American cell phone companies were sharing real-time location data with, Verizon have announced they are ceasing all location data sharing (the other carriers have ended their relationships with some specifics companies, but not globally like this) —… GDPR Fallout & Experiences: The Norwegian […]
Continue readingMore TagListening to Bart Really Pays Off
Bart has been teaching you and me for many years now. Between his Taming the Terminal series and now his Programming By Stealth series, he’s attempted to cram vast amounts of knowledge into our brains. My father used to say that children are like wine bottles – you should pour as much information into them […]
Continue readingMore TagPSA – In an Accident, Start Taking Pictures
2005 The day after Christmas in 2005, I was rear-ended when I stopped suddenly because of an unexpected pedestrian in the crosswalk. I was rather proud of my reaction to the accident at the time. It was a brand new car and yet my immediate reaction was, “thank goodness no one got hurt.” The young […]
Continue readingMore TagNC #685 Rocket; PhotoBulk; Compression, Encryption and Archive; PSA on Photos After Accidents
In this week’s show, you’ll learn how to do emoji like the cool kids with Rocket app for macOS. You’ll learn how to batch resize, rename and watermark images with PhotoBulk for macOS. Then we’ll get even geekier while I explain the difference between formats for compression, encryption & archive. Then we’ll finish things off […]
Continue readingMore TagExplaining Compression, Encryption, and Archive
One of the hardest videos I’ve done recently for ScreenCasts Online is the one just published for an app called Keka. Keka is a sweet little $2 app designed to compress and expand files. Keka itself is simple and easy to use, but understanding the technologies behind it was where the real effort came in. In […]
Continue readingMore TagBatch Resize, Rename, and Watermark Images with PhotoBulk for macOS
Today everyone can be a great photographer, simply armed with a good phone camera. You may not care about your photos and only take them for your own enjoyment, or you might be quite serious about your photography. If you’re in the latter camp, you take great care to get the lighting right, to frame […]
Continue readingMore TagBe Like the Cool Kids – Easy Emojis with Rocket for macOS
Sometimes the problem to be solved is that we need to have more joy and silliness in our lives. A little while ago Bart mentioned an app he’d heard Mikah Sargent of iMore talk about, called Rocket, and it’s my new favorite app. In the words of the great early podcaster, Tim Verpoorten, it’s a […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #552 – Steve Harris on Mac App Store Improvements & Dark Mode
This week our guest is someone you’ve heard me mention a hundred times, Steve Harris of Reinvented Software. It’s because of Steve’s application Feeder that you’ve been getting all of my podcasts delivered to you. He’s also the developer of Keep It that you’ve been hearing me talk about more recently. I asked Steve onto […]
Continue readingMore TagNC #684 MacBook Keyboard, HashPhotos, Security Bits
Thanks for giving us a few extra days with Steve’s dad before publishing the show. We’ll start out with a rant by me against everyone who has declared the butterfly keyboard on the newer MacBooks as bad, then I’ll tell you about an amazing photo app for iOS called HashPhotos from BeyondF. Bart is back […]
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