Bart Busschots from the Let’s Talk Podcasts here standing in for Allison while herself and Steve chase eclipses around Chile! Joe Dugandzic from Smarter Home Life reviews the Wing Lights from CYCL, NosillaCastaway debutant Wing reviews the Powerbeats3 bluetooth headphones, Allison makes a brief appearance to talk about opening and closing things on Teslas, and […]
Continue readingMonth: June 2019
Security Bits – 30 June 2019
Followups Facebook has replaced the infamous study app that breached Apple’s Enterprise Developer Program rules and got them into so much trouble a few months ago with a new app that is not side-loaded, is explicit in what it does, and is Android only (Editorial by Bart: I’m guessing they couldn’t get a useful spying […]
Continue readingPowerbeats3 Bluetooth Headphones by Wing
To give a little background I have been an iPhone user since the 3g was released in Ireland. Prior to that I was on a Nokia of some description, I still have it in a drawer as they are virtually indestructible. I was, at the time, reluctant to change from Nokia as I didn’t see […]
Continue readingTesla Tech – Opening and Closing Doors
I think that the designers at Tesla studied under the school of Steve Jobs and Jony Ives when it comes to making things so minimalistic they’re actually harder to use. Remember the one-button mouse that we all wished had more buttons, so Apple actually shipped a no-button mouse? How many people miss their home buttons […]
Continue readingCYCL Wing Lights to Light Up your Bike at Night – by Joe Dugandzic
Hey, this is Joe Dugandzic from Smarter Home Life, and normally I talk all about home automation and how you can make your home a bit “smarter”, or something like that. And, I’m always talking about how lighting plays a big role in our lives, especially at home. But for someone who puts a lot […]
Continue readingCCATP #600 — PBS Supplemental — Dorothy Rendon on the PBS Index
In the very first Programming By Stealth supplemental episode, I interview Dorothy Rendon, the programmer behind the PBS Index. If you haven’t seen it before, it’s an index that Dorothy has created for the Programming By Stealth students to helpt them find key topics in Bart Busschots’s fabulous tutorial shownotes. We’ll first get a little […]
Continue readingNC #737 Psychopaths, MAMP & WordPress Tutorial, DTNS, MacStadium, Zoom iQ7, Zoom H4n Pro, Horns on Kids
Steve and I are about to leave for Chile but I’ve got three Chit Chat Across the Pond recorded and in the queue for you, and Bart and Allister are going to take the reins while we’re gone. I’ve got two stories about recorders, the Zoom iQ7 and the Zoom H4n Pro that have very […]
Continue readingProfessor of Human Anatomy & Physiology Weighs in on “Horns” from Smartphone Use — by Terry Austin
Jeff Gamet’s Playful View of the Story Hello fellow Castaways! Professor Terry Austin here. A few days ago I received a text message from Allison with a link to the original Washington Post story about smartphones causing users to grow horns. She simply asked – IS THIS REAL? This question is not unprecedented. I’ve gotten […]
Continue readingCCATP #599 — Dr. Devon Polaschek on Psychopaths
This week we’re joined by Dr. Devon Polaschek. Dr. Polaschek is the Joint Director of the New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science at the University of Waikato. I will further embarrass her by mentioning that she was recently awarded with a Queen’s Birthday honour (as in Queen Elizabeth). Dr. Polaschek has has been […]
Continue readingZoom H4n Pro as a Portable Recorder and Interface
Zoom H4n Pro $220 on Amazon I’ve been wanting a better way to make audio recordings on the road for a long time. When I’ve needed to record when away from home, I have been using an ATR 2100 USB/XLR mic hooked up to my MacBook Pro, but that’s not truly portable. As I mentioned […]
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