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CCATP #795 — Bart Busschots on PBS 167 of X – jq: Recursion, Syntactic Sugar, Some old Friends and a Few Honourable Mentions

It was actually bittersweet for Bart and me this week as he taught the final installment in our series of Programming By Stealth about jq. As Bart says partway through our recording, he thought this would just be a few episodes but it took 13 episodes to go through everything Bart thought was fun about this deceptively simple programming language.

This final installment in the jq series covers querying nested data structures with the recurse command. One of the really fun parts of the episode is when he teaches us how to dramatically simplify our code, a concept that’s often called syntactic sugar. We get to do if statements for the first time, where I wondered why he didn’t let us have them earlier! I was cross with him for holding out on us with try-catch too because it would have made our coding so much easier. But that was the real theme of this installment – we had to learn the way everything works before learning the shortcuts.

In the finale, he gives us a few of what he calls “honourable mentions” – little tidbits that came in handy at times.

You can find Bart’s fabulous tutorial shownotes at pbs.bartificer.net.

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Read an unedited, auto-generated transcript with chapter marks: CCATP_2024_06_07

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1 thought on “CCATP #795 — Bart Busschots on PBS 167 of X – jq: Recursion, Syntactic Sugar, Some old Friends and a Few Honourable Mentions

  1. Paul Nielan - June 7, 2024

    when they review podcasting 20-30 years from now, this series will be an example of the golden age of podcasting. I don’t think there’s a better 1-2 punch than you and Bart

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