Notability Foundations with pencil logo and Trustpilot showing 5 stars. Also ScreenCastsONLINE in text and the date

Notability Foundation Tutorial on ScreenCastsONLINE

One of the apps that I’m passionate about is Notability. Eight years ago I created a ScreenCastsONLINE tutorial about Notability and we’ve done several little update and tip videos about this great software. Notability has only become more and more capable since 2016 so we decided it was time for a bottoms-up tutorial. But as I started mind mapping it out using Mindnode, I realized it was far too capable to explain in one tutorial.

I’m excited that my Foundations tutorial on Notability was just published. I was on such a roll, I also recorded Notability Advanced which should be following close on its heels. I’m passionate about this tool as you can tell and it really comes out in both of the Notability tutorials.

I’ve put a link in the shownotes to the full Notability Foundations at ScreenCastsONLINE and I’ve embedded the teaser video in the shownotes as well. You can get a free 7-day trial of ScreenCastsONLINE where you can watch all of the current back catalog. But beware, you’ll want to subscribe for real after you watch!

Teaser Video for Notability Foundations

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