Light Matrix company logo with the name in white block text against a dark blue background. Above the name are three diagonal light blue bars with the one in the middle slightly shorter than the outer bars forming a stylized M. To the bottom right of the bars is a light blue, 4-pointed star.

CES 2025: Light Matrix Naked Eye 3D Displays

Allison interviews Kira Fong from Light Matrix about their naked eye 3D displays. The Light Matrix display can take a 2D photo or video and, through processing, convert it to a 3D image or video for viewing. No glasses or special equipment are needed to view the image or video in 3D. The best viewing for a good 3D effect is limited to a relatively narrow angular region directly in front of the display.

Processing of 2D to 3D photos is relatively quick (~15 seconds) however 2D to 3D video conversion takes some time. Because of this delay, advertising is a good use case for these displays. A display size of 43” diagonal is currently available and the company is working to release a 78” version.

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Transcript of Interview:

Allison: I think Steve put it best when he just said that he’s never seen anything like this before. We’re looking at a 3D display of 2D images and I’m here with Kira Fong of Light Matrix to tell us about it. What are we looking at here?

Kira Fong: You’re looking at a naked eye 3D television and all the 3D pictures you see right now, the original picture is just 2D. Through our algorithm we can change your 2D pictures to 3D at about just 15 seconds.

Allison: So we’re looking at different pictures like Machu Picchu just went by, some beautiful cherry blossoms, there have been puppies and kittens. And it’s real interesting, if you’re dead center, the effect is extremely good. As soon as you get a little bit off axis, the double images get mixed up. So you do have to be dead center to get the best effect I think, right?

Kira Fong: Pardon?

Allison: You have to be right in the very center to get the best effect, right?

Kira Fong: Yes, because it’s just 120 degrees.

Allison: Okay.

Kira Fong: Yeah, the angle.

Allison: And you said the distance it’s best viewed at?

Kira Fong: 50 to 100 centimeters is the best.

Allison: That is really cool. So this is from Light Matrix. Is this product available yet?

Kira Fong: It’s available right now.

Allison: It is? Where do you get them?

Kira Fong: Like for some entertainments and for some advertisements. It’s a whole new advertisement equipment. But this television you can also watch 2D videos, 3D videos, 2D photos, 3D photos, any kind you want.

Allison: That’s right. In this challenging Wi-Fi environment, you’re not pulling out the 3D videos.

Kira Fong: Yes, because it takes too long time to change the 3D video.

Allison: So the 3D videos are actually 2D videos that have been created as 3D?

Kira Fong: Yes, but it takes more long time than pictures.

Allison: Wow. So does the user create these 3D videos, these 3D photos, the owner?

Kira Fong: No, the users just upload your 2D videos or 2D photos. Then through our algorithm, I can make your videos and photos into 3D.

Allison: I see.

Kira Fong: And this television.

Allison: I see. Very good. So like you said, it’s really good for advertising.

Kira Fong: Advertising, yes.

Allison: You probably wouldn’t sit at home and watch this.

Kira Fong: Yes. You could. Yeah, because I see, I saw it in my company every, every day. Different videos, different pictures in 3D.

Allison: I’m curious. I’m asking Steve on camera. Can you tell the effect through the video?

Steve: Too hard to tell with a small monitor.

Allison: But it might be visible. It’d be real curious. I wonder how that works. Well, this is really interesting. Thank you very much for your help.

Kira Fong: Thank you very much.

Allison: Oh, is there a price point on this? What do they cost?

Kira Fong: About $3,000 USD.

Allison: Okay and that’s what, about a 45 inch?

Kira Fong: This is 43 inch.

Allison: 43.

Kira Fong: Yeah, I do not have 45, but I have 86.

Allison: Oh.

Kira Fong: Sorry, 78.

Kira Fong: Yeah, I’m doing the 78 version right now.

Allison: Very good. Thank you very much.

Kira Fong: Thank you.

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