Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Friday, January 3, 2025, and this is show number 1026.
Audio PlayerPBS Tidbit 11: A PowerShell Teaser
In this week’s Programming By Stealth, Bart confesses that as soon as he finished teaching us all about writing scripts in Bash, he never wrote another script in that shell. You’ll be shocked to hear that he fell in love with a shell written by the folks at Microsoft. Before you judge him harshly, it’s an open source project on GitHub, and it’s cross-platform for Linux, Windows, and Mac. It’s called PowerShell.
He always gives me a heads-up on his progress with the notes, and this week his update said, “I’ve written 125% of the notes for Programming By Stealth.” As it turns out, he had written nearly 200%, so this week’s introduction to PowerShell will be in two halves. We published part one of “PBS Tidbit 11: A PowerShell Teaser”, and I suspect there might even be more coming after this.
You can find Bart’s fabulous tutorial shownotes at pbs.bartificer.net along with the audio recording, and of course you can find Programming By Stealth in your podcatcher of choice.
AnkerWork m650 Lavaliere Mic — Sierra & Bodie
Next up you’re going to hear two voices. The first voice you’ll hear is Sierra LaDuke. She is the daughter of Bodie Grimm. She’s going to tell you about a lavaliere microphone her father bought her. She essentially sets up the problem to be solved and explains how the mic met those needs. Then you’ll hear Bodie and me go through the product in detail explaining how this microphone works. I didn’t understand before we started how capable it is so I’m really glad Bodie took the time to talk me through it.
You can find Bodie on the Kilowatt Podcast about EVs and renewable energy, and also on the show he co-hosts with Robb Dunewood called Beyond the Post, where they explore the world of digital creation. Look for them both in your podcatcher of choice (or follow the links in the shownotes.)
Pat Dengler Sings the Virtues of Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses
Support the Show
Kenneth Kleinman has a habit of donating to support the podcast using PayPal. He did it yet again this week but his timing was really fun. I was buying something online and the only way to purchase it was through PayPal. I logged in, hit the buy button … and within literally minutes Kenneth had donated nearly the exact same amount through PayPal. As are all of his donations, it was very generous. I thank him for helping pay the bills for the Podfeet Podcasts Empire. If you’d like to help out like Kennet, simply go to podfeet.com/paypal and choose an amount that shows your appreciation for the value you get here.
Security Bits — 3 January 2025
Transcript of NC_2025_01_03
That’s going to wind this up for this week. Did you know you can email me at allison@podfeet.com any time you like? If you have a question or a suggestion just send it on over. Remember, everything good starts with podfeet.com. You can follow me on Mastodon at podfeet.com/mastodon. If you want to listen to the podcasts on YouTube, you can go to podfeet.com/youtube. If you want to join the conversation, you can join our Slack community at podfeet.com/slack where you can talk to me and all of the other lovely NosillaCastaways. You can support the show at podfeet.com/patreon or with a one-time donation at podfeet.com/donate with Apple Pay or any credit card, or through podfeet.com/paypal like Kenneth! And if you want to join in the fun of the live show, you’ll have to wait till January 12th to head on over to podfeet.com/live on Sunday nights at 5 PM Pacific Time and join the friendly and enthusiastic NosillaCastaways. Thanks for listening, and stay subscribed.