beyond the post logo showing cameras and microphones along with the two hosts names

Appearance on “Beyond the Post” Podcast with Robb and Bodie

Shortly before we left on our Africa adventure, I had the great pleasure of being a guest on a relatively new podcast called Beyond the Post. The show is hosted by Robb Dunewood, who you may know from the SMR Podcast and the Tech Jawn, along with the infamous Bodie Grimm of the Kilowatt Podcast.

The idea of Beyond the Post is to explore the strategies and visions of folks creating digital content. One week they’ll talk to a guests knowledgeable about social media strategies, another week it will be about monetization, then another might be the nuts and bolts of podcasting.

Maybe it’s because the three of us are such good friends, but my conversation with them was broken up into two episodes. In Episode 4 of Beyond the Post, I talked about how consistency has helped me keep going after 1000 weekly episodes over 19 years. I also explain how accidentally building a community around the show is my greatest motivation.

In Episode 5 of Beyond the Post, we changed gears a bit and talked about my passion for accessible tech so that everyone can play. I managed to squeeze in a plug for the ScreenCastsONLINE tutorial I did about how to add descriptive text to images on social media so that screen reader users can enjoy your content. Lee Garrett, owner of ScreenCastsONLINE, saw the value to the world at large of this tutorial so he made it free for everyone.

I adore both Robb and Bodie so it was lots of fun to swap stories and ideas about how to navigate the landscape of producing digital media. As you can imagine, we got silly from time to time too. I hope you’ll check out Beyond the Post in your podcatcher of choice and look for episodes 4 and 5 where we had so much fun.

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