Allison interviews Jeannette Holton from Ecoflow about two portable power stations from their River and Delta Series. These power stations are all low noise, emissions-free, and provide instant power on demand.
First, Jeannette shows the River 3 Plus Portable Power Station which is perfect for camping or home electronics backup. The River 3 Plus weighs just over 10 lbs and has a handle allowing it to be picked up and moved around with one hand. It has three AC outlets, one USB-C and two USB-A outputs, and a 12V DC car outlet.
The River 3 Plus provides 600W of continuous output power and up to 1,200W for short periods. It has 286 Wh of energy storage and can be expanded to 858 Wh. The device runs quietly at a sound level of less than 30 dB. Solar panels are available to charge the battery.
Next is the Delta Pro 3 Portable Power Station which can support almost all of your essential home appliances. The Delta Pro 3 weighs 114 lbs and has a handle and wheels allowing it to be rolled into position for use. It has seven AC outlets, two USB-C and two USB-A outputs, and a 12V DC car outlet.
The Delta Pro 3 provides 4,000W of continuous power and up to 6,000W for short periods. It handles 4096 Wh of energy storage. It can power a home refrigerator for up to 3 days or a home A/C for a few hours. Solar panels are also available to charge the battery.
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Transcript of Interview:
Allison: We are actually doing a do-over of an interview. I interviewed Jeanette Holton last night at a different event, and I botched up so badly I actually exploded something on their signage in the middle of it. So we’re doing a do-over. We are here in the EcoFlow booth, and y’all make portable electric generators.
Jeanette: Yes, we make portable power generators of all kinds of sizes and capacities, depending on what your needs are, all the way from our River Series, for camping. The smaller versions are over here.
Allison: So that’s this little one down here. Looks like about the size of a toaster.
Jeanette: Yes, exactly. Very versatile, very portable. You just grab it with one hand. You can power up your tent if you want to when you’re camping. You could actually just make sure if the only reason why you need a portable power generator is to back up your computer or your Wi-Fi during a power outage, that’s a perfect option there as well.
Allison: Okay, so how many, what’s the power level on that?
Jeanette: So this is… that I the RIVER 3.
Allison: All right so this is the RIVER 3. Don’t let me touch the signage. That’s what I dropped last night.
Jeanette: So it has 600 watt total output. General capacity is 286 Watt-hours.
Allison: All right, yeah, but your big girl power generator here…
Jeanette: Well this one is kind of our medium-level power generators because we go all the way up to huge ones that provide whole home backup if you really want to and those you can actually connect to your grid and it’s all a big show and production but this one is a medium medium-level one it’s called the Delta Pro 3. It is incredibly powerful. It has 4,000 watt capacity and it’s expandable to 48 kilowatt hours.
Allison: That’s right, so what we’re looking at here looks about the size of a cooler really, It’s actually a little bit narrower. It’s got handles on the ends. It’s got a beautiful display but you said that so you can stack batteries to this.
Jeanette: You can absolutely. You can add batteries for more capacity, more power if you need to. So this one by itself as it is, it’s enough to power your house for two days approximately. And if you live in a hot area in the country like Florida and your power goes out and your need your AC to be running, this is actually powerful enough to keep your AC running.
Allison: So let’s look at the outlets on here.
Jeanette: So these outlets, of course, you have your normal AC power outlets.
Allison: So 120 volt, we’ve got…
Jeanette: You’ve got your USB.
Allison: I see 240 there.
Jeanette: Yes.
Allison: So you could run a dryer on this?
Jeanette: Absolutely, you can run a dryer. The dryer is one of the most power-hungry, energy-hungry appliances you can have.
Allison: I got news for you. If there’s a power outage, I’m not doing laundry. But what is this one down here, Steve? 120 volt, but it’s a circle.
Steve/Allison: It’s a higher amperage, but I’m not sure which one.
Allison:So we’ve got two USB-A and two USB-C on the front as well. And so what would the EcoFlow Delta Power 3 go for?
Jeanette: So a unit like this will go for a little bit under $3,000 and we are always you know having sales and Black Fridays and holiday sales and what you know what have you MSRP of around 2000 but…You know what, if you want the current price, the best source to go to is on, and that’s always updated.
Allison: E-C-O-F-L-O-W, thank you very much, I’m glad we did a do-over. I was much better this time.
Jeanette: Thank you so much.
[…] CES 2025: Ecoflow Portable Power Stations […]