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Chit Chat Across the Pond Lite logo Two interlocking ribbons, one red, one blue. The word Lite is across the logo in a playful font. The podfeet (two little bare feet) are in the upper right. The background is dark blue with Chat and Chat in the upper left and lower right corners with "across the pond" in thin letter across the bottom. Sounds more confusing than it is!

CCATP #612 – Ray Robertson on Impact of Apple’s Development Process on Developers

Ray & Allison at ⌘-D Conference This week we’re joined by returning guest Ray Robertson, well-known AppleScript guru and general all-around automator. Ray joins me to talk about the increased challenges developers faced working with Apple. It’s no secret that iOS 13 and iPad OS 13 have been problematic on their own, but the betas […]

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MacTech Conference 2019 – Python, Catalina Volumes, Script Debugging and Sal’s Secret Trick

What is MacTech This week I attended the MacTech Conference for the first time. I’d heard about it for ages from Dave Hamilton of the Mac Geek Gab, but for two reasons, I hesitated for a long time about attending. Even though it’s conveniently in Los Angeles, it’s super expensive. I used a pre-registration discount […]

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