I get a lot of PR emails trying to get me to interview people. I’ve never responded to one until just now. I was asked if I wanted to interview a former NASA Space Shuttle Engineer turned science fiction author. How could I possibly refuse? Darren’s stories were fascinating as he described being one of […]
Continue readingAuthor: podfeet
Dumb Question Corner – What makes a good Activity Goal?
This week’s Dumb Question comes from Rush, and it’s an audience participation question:
Continue readingNC #702 In Touch with iOS, Mac Quadcast, How to Win Apple Watch Activity Competition, Slack, Dumb Question on Activity Goal, Security Bits
This week I’ll tell you about how much fun I had on In Touch with iOS and The Mac Quadcast and Programming By Stealth. Then I’ll tell you the secrets of the math behind the Apple Activity Competitions (and how to win). I’ve decided that Slack is our new home with the demise of Google […]
Continue readingCCATP #568 – Bart Busschots on PBS 65 of X — Bootstrap Input Groups
Chit Chat Across the Pond this week was Programming By Stealth installment 65 of X. This time Bart takes us through Bootstrap Input Groups. These are really cool. Think about a form that has information you have to fill in, but you’re never sure what they’re asking for. If they ask for money, what currency […]
Continue readingOk, FINE, We’ll Use Slack
Last week on the show I talked about the demise of Google Plus, and how I was trolling around for a replacement for people who didn’t like Facebook. I came to the reluctant initial realization that perhaps Slack was the answer. Lots of people use Slack and claim to like it but I was less […]
Continue readingHow to Win an Apple Watch Activity Competition
You know I’m a fan of the Apple Watch activity app because it motivates me to burn calories so I can eat and drink more. We’ve heard from many others who got much healthier because they had real metrics to work with unlike ever before. With watchOS 5, Apple stepped up the game on getting […]
Continue readingNC #701 Two Troys and Backblaze, Cord Cutting Solutions, Fat Lady Sings for Google Plus
In this week’s show we’ll start off with a little more fun about the 700th show last week. Then I’ll tell you a tale of two Troys, and how a problem with Backblaze uncovered a lost recording for the NosillaCast. Then I’ll actually let you hear the lost recording. After that we’ll talk about the […]
Continue readingA Story of Two Troys, Backblaze and a Lost Recording
We have a listener contribution for the show, but before I can give it to you, I have to tell you a story to set it up. As you most certainly recall, I did a nuke and pave of my MacBook Pro a few weeks ago for my installation of Mojave. I checked all of […]
Continue readingCord Cutting Solutions – by Troy Shimkus
Guest post by Troy Shimkus Hi Allison and fellow Castaways! I wanted to share my experience with cord cutting with you all as that seems to be a hot topic. Since here in Central Florida, we don’t have very many options, getting a good deal can be difficult. Cable and Satellite packages range wildly in […]
Continue readingCCATP #567 – Nuris Coronado and Dan Eckmeier on iPhone XS from a Blind Perspective
We’re joined by Nuris Coronado and Dan Eckmeier this week as they talk about their experiences as blind users upgrading from iPhone 7 to iPhone XS. How is the transition from a home button to Face ID if you can’t see? What about the form factor for women vs. men? I learned a few things […]
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