As much as I learned from talking to people at the parties at Macstock Expo, there was also a conference during the day. The schedule was interesting. Mike Potter, the amazing creator of Macstock Expo, decided to reduce the total number of speakers and instead have each speaker do a 20-minute pitch on the big […]
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The Sweet Setup – Some Love for Keep It and Finally a Useful Workflow
As you know, I’m a big fan of Keep It from Reinvented Software. I’ve talked about this notebook/scrapbook app for iOS and Mac several times and recently published a video tutorial on Keep It for ScreenCasts Online. But I’ve always felt like this was a hidden gem only I knew about and that made me […]
Continue readingEverything is Fiddly with Helma in the Netherlands
At the end of 2015, I did a major rant I entitled “Everything is Fiddly!” Ever since then, whenever I complain about trying to get some tech to work, Lindsay says to me, “Remember mom, everything is Fiddly!” This week, Helma from the Netherlands joins us to tell us all about everything that had gone […]
Continue readingNC #688 Parallels Update, Bellus3D FaceApp, Affinity Designer for iPad, Security Bits
We’re off to Macstock Expo next week so the show will be 2 days late next week. In this week’s show I’ll explain why even though I’m retired, it was a really stressful week (and why). I’ll tell you why Steven Goetz was only partially right when he said we need to make the Mojave […]
Continue readingCCATP #555 – Bart Busschots on PBS 58 of X – Bootstrap Breakpoints
In this week’s installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots explains Bootstrap breakpoints. Breakpoints allow the designer to define how a web page reacts depending on the size of the viewer’s screen. He explains how through some very simple Bootstrap classes, we can allow a semantic tag to be in the “correct” order for screen […]
Continue readingYou’re Retired, How Stressful Could Your Life Be?
This week has been what you just might call a wee bit stressful. I know, you’re thinking, “She’s retired … how hard could that be?” Doing the NosillaCast hasn’t been bad, especially since it’s a Security Bits week. Programming By Stealth was super fun too. That’s not what was stressful. I’m working on a video […]
Continue readingParallels Desktop Didn’t Need an ISO After All!
Remember last week when I told the story of how I wanted to run Mojave in a virtual machine and I did everything I could to ignore Steven Goetz’s advice that I needed to turn the installer into an ISO? And then I had to begrudgingly admit that he was right? Well guess what? You […]
Continue readingAffinity Designer for iPad is Here!
You know I’m a huge fan of Affinity Photo, the Photoshop replacement for the Mac (and Windows) and iOS. In December 2016, Allister Jenks came on Chit Chat Across the Pond to tell us about Affinity Designer for the Mac, which is their vector-design program for the Mac and Windows. Think Adobe Illustrator except much […]
Continue readingUncanny Valley Right in Your Pocket with Bellus3D FaceApp
The term “uncanny valley” is thrown about more and more these days. According to wikipedia, “the uncanny valley is a hypothesized relationship between the degree of an object’s resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to such an object. The concept of the uncanny valley suggests humanoid objects which appear almost, but not […]
Continue readingNC # 687 Who Ya’ Gonna Call, Jump Desktop, Belkin Stage, Virtual Machine to Run Mojave
Dr. Garry is back in Chit Chat Across the Pond, George from Tulsa brings us a story he entitled, “Who Ya’ Gonna Call? Try Allison!” Next, I’ll tell you about Jump Desktop to control your Mac/PC from your iOS/Android devices. Dave Ginsburg of the In Touch with IOS Podcast tells us about the Belkin Stage […]
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