Last November, Jill from the Northwoods joined me in a discussion of how she uses Apple’s Focus Modes for emergencies. The conversation starts just around 15 minutes into NosillaCast #966. We set this up more as a “problem to be solved” conversation rather than a tutorial. She described how the elderly parents of a friend […]
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Tempest Condenser Mic from 512 Audio is On Sale – Is It a Good Deal?
Around 12 years ago, Steve surprised me with an extravagant gift. He bought me a Heil PR-40 microphone. This mic is still one of the gold standards, running $350-400 to this day. I thought it was too expensive, but Steve has always been super supportive of the work I do for the podcast and bought […]
Continue readingNC #984 Negotiate with Your ISP, Glide Self-Guided Mobility Aid, Ember Tumbler, Security Bits
Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, March 17, 2024, and this is show number 984. mp3 download CCATP #789 — Bart Busschots on PBS #163 – jq: Lookups & Records Articles Always Negotiate with […]
Continue readingEmber Tumbler Keeps My Coffee Hot But … a Tough Review
I made a rule way back when I started podcasting nearly 19 years ago that I would only review products that were either good or great. I’ve gotten comments from a few people that they wish I’d review bad products too when I come across them because then people would know to stay away from […]
Continue readingCCATP #789 — Bart Busschots on PBS #163 – jq: Lookups & Records
In this episode of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots as usual works through his solution to the challenge from last time, and as usual I learn a lot more about how to use jq to solve problems. He takes a bit of a detour to explain a fun email we got from Jill of Kent […]
Continue readingAlways Negotiate with Your ISP
A year ago last November, Steve and I finally cut the cord. We gave up our cable TV service and switched everything over to streaming using YouTube TV. That left only two things with our ISP Frontier: our FiOS Internet and our landline phone. We’ve saved a fortune from cutting the cord, and by fortune, […]
Continue readingNC #983 Tom Merritt’s Book Synced, Ember Heated Mugs & Baby Bottles, Belkin Qi2 Products, ORORO Heated Clothing, Mind Mapping Replacements for iThoughts
Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, March 10, 2024, and this is show number 983. mp3 download Buy Tom Merritt’s New Book “Synced” You know I’m a big fan of Tom Merritt, and I’m […]
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Red Light Shows Highest Heat Setting I live in Southern California, so we have very temperate weather. It doesn’t get all that cold, nor does it get all that hot since I’m relatively close to the ocean. However, if you’ve ever met someone who has lived here for any length of time, you’ll know that […]
Continue readingRIP iThoughts – Choosing a New Mind Mapping Tool
This week I read in the TidBITS newsletter, the awful news that my favorite mind mapping tool, iThoughts from Toketaware was being discontinued. If you’ve had a beloved tool shut down before, you know it’s like losing touch with a dear old friend. The developer, Craig Scott, has been a favorite of mine as well. […]
Continue readingNC #982 Pivotal Electric Aircraft, Project Gutenberg to Kindle, GE Indoor Smoker, Security Bits
Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, March 3, 2024, and this is show number 982. mp3 download CCATP #788 — Bart Busschots on PBS 162 of X — jq: Altering Arrays & Dictionaries Articles […]
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