Bart continues his current dual path of teaching. We learn how to compare JavaScript objects (spoiler, you can’t use == or === to do it). After that he teaches us how using WAI-ARIA as we develop our code will make it accessible to screen readers and other assistive devices. We don’t do any real coding […]
Continue readingAuthor: podfeet
NC #614 Podfeet Redesign, Nebula Projectors, Nonda Connected Car, Crazy Network, C-me Selfie Drone, Braven Flye Earbuds, Backblaze
Announcing a new site design for podfeet – go kick the tires at My Affinity Photo 1.5 tutorial is up at ScreenCasts Online. We hear from Anker about their new Nebula projected displays, Nonda talks about their connected car devices, I explain more about how cool our network is now that we’ve folded in […]
Continue readingCCATP #475 Bart Busschots Explains IPv6
I made a deal with Bart when he started his two podcasts Let’s Talk Apple and Let’s Talk Photography that he would never have to be on more than every other week. But this week I tricked him by asking him if he’d come on and explain IPv6 to me. His first answer was that […]
Continue readingWhy I Switched to Backblaze from CrashPlan
In March of 2013 I finally got on the bandwagon of doing offsite backups. Backups in general are the kind of task that sounds hard and annoying but if you haven’t tried lately are easy. Once I had CrashPlan running, it ran flawlessly for three and a half years. One of the features I liked […]
Continue reading3 Networks + MoCA + TiVos
Back in August of 2013, Bart helped me figure out how to wrest control from the Verizon Actiontec FiOS router and let my Airport Extreme control my network. It was non-obvious, so he drew a diagram that I turned into a full tutorial per his instructions. The basic idea is to disable WiFi on the […]
Continue readingNC #613 Steve Jobs Recording 1983, Fisher Price Smart Cycle, Ziro Robotics Kit, Dashlane Caution, ThinOPTICS, Nite Ize, Security Bits
I hosted Eye Chart Radio with Mike LaPlante. Rush Sherman sent us this link to Steve Jobs giving a talk in 1983 I’ve never heard before. CES interviews with Fisher Price, Ziro, ThinOPTICS and Nite Ize. I’ll give you a caution about Dashlane security manager. Then we’ve got Security Bits with Bart Busschots. mp3 download
Continue readingCCATP #474 Bart Busschots PBS 29 – JS Prototype Revision | Glyph Icons
I don’t want to jinx anything here, but I feel like I’m finally starting to “get” this JavaScript programming thing. In this episode of Programming By Stealth, Bart starts by talking about how we solved the challenges from last week, getting rid of “bad smells” by learning how to reuse our code. Then Bart teaches […]
Continue readingBe Careful When You Create a Dashlane Account
This week I received an odd email. It was a message from Dashlane, welcoming me to their password manager service. This was odd, only because I did not open an account with Dashlane. I contacted them through their support email explaining the situation. I requested that the account be suspended and that they contact me […]
Continue readingNC #612 Oticon Hearing Aid, ShadeCraft Sunflower, TiVo + Moca, Ring, Whoosh!
This weeks’ show features interviews from CES with Oticon about their connected hearing aid, ShadeCraft and their Sunflower autonomous robotic shade, Ring (the makers of the video doorbell) about their Floodlight Cam and their Stickup Cam, and Whoosh!, an anti-microbial screen treatment system. I’ll also tell you the tale of how Steve and I didn’t […]
Continue readingTiVo + MoCA Can’t Possibly Work, Can It?
Do you ever have a friend tell you about something and you just nod politely and not check it out? Then another friend of yours tells you the same thing, but you don’t listen to them either? Finally you check it out and you realize they were right and it is as AMAZING as they […]
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