#531 PopClip, Bookmarklets, Caching Improvements with Firefox, Bienna Bluetooth Headphones, Dr. Garry On Focus and Attention

Claus Wolf from mactopics.de teaches us some cool tricks to use PopClip by Pilotmoon Software and a Bookmarklet he made for us to help you to use Amazon Affiliate links. NosillaCast PopClip Extension, Popmaker to make your own extensions, Claus’ NosillaCast Bookmarklet at otzberg.net/nca/nca.html. I walk you through how I improved the speed of podfeet.com […]

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NosillaCast Logo - text says NosillaCast Podcast and EVER so slight Apple Bias. Main background is a gradient medium blue to lighter blue with a skyline of black silhouette buildings below. Behind the building are some geometric red shapes. And of course the prominent podfeet (two bare feet) are in the middle

#530 Choose Different Friends, littleBits, Putting Music on Apple Watch, TTT Part 35 HTTP Commands

Dr. Garry’s homework for you for next week – watch these two videos: Video 1 and Video 2. Don’t ignore your tech, consider choosing different friends. More reasons why you might enjoy checking out the NosillaCast community over at podfeet.com/googleplus. Inspire your young ones this summer with littleBits from littlebits.cc. I walk you through the […]

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