#501 iFlicks, Fire TV Stick, Epson Labelworks Portable Labeler, Nvidia Shield, Fire HD6, Firephone, TTT Part 25 IP subnets

iFlicks review from iflicksapp.com by Jeff from New Hampshire helps you get your videos into the right categories in iTunes. I review the Fire TV Stick from Amazon (spoiler, I like it!) Donald Burr brings us his review of the Epson LabelWorks LW-600P App-enabled, Portable Label Printer. I tell the story of the trials and […]

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Epson LabelWorks LW-600P App-enabled, Portable Label Printer by Donald Burr

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IL7BJMM/?tag=otakunocast-20 The problem to be solved: Getting organized! Examples: Label cables/power bricks to match them up with the devices they belong to Label drawers that store various types of cables/other objects Label file folders The solution: a labeler! But they really suck! Lousy little rubbery keyboards Tiny, faint, barely visible display Very limited selection of […]

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#499 xkpasswd v2, If Every Day Were Christmas, Should I Sleep, Wrist Notfications, iOS Dev Tools for Screen Sizes

Send in your recordings for the 500th episode next week, if you’re doing holiday shopping at Amazon, please use the search box on podfeet.com to get us a little love. Slau’s “If Every Day Were Christmas” is coming out on iTunes any minute now, watch my Twitter/G+/FaceBook accounts for the announcement when it goes live. […]

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