#296 Square Perfect Lightbox, Gmail Backups, Interarchy, Going Paperless

Square Perfect Lightbox model SP400 and how to do white balance and tether the Mac in Aperture. Dumb Question Corner about creating ad hoc networks, and George from Tulsa explains how to use Gmail for backups (George’s ScreenSteps Tutorial for Gmail Backup). Interarchy for FTP from nolobe.com doesn’t make the cut. Katie Floyd of macpowerusers.com […]

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#294 NosillaCast News, Backups, Automator, Zamps, Photography

Introducing the NosillaCast News, NosillaCast highlighted in the LA Times and the Libsyn Blog. Backup discussion after Adam Christianson’s December 29th episode of the MacCast, how Steve and I finally tackled his challenging backup needs, and a really simple Automator Script to back up selected files to Dropbox. Introducing the Zamps art website at zamps.wordpress.com, […]

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#290 Tilt Shift Explained, iStopMotion Giveaway, Spotlight Dumb Question, Lolas Christmas List

Steve explains to us why tilt shift photography is so compelling including an optics lesson, Macworld NosillaCastwaways party is planned for Friday January 28th from 6-8pm at Jillians. In Dumb Question Corner Jim Sewell asks how to find files you’ve searched in Spotlight. Lola Wong joins us for Chick Chat Across the Border where she […]

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#289 Automator, Zumocast, iStopMotion, Shai

No PivotTable Charts in Excel 2011, Kirschen Seah gives us her Add Prefix String Automator action at http://www.freerangecoder.com. Zumocast from zumocast.com vs. AirVideo for video watching on the iPad. Accessible Mind Sweeper from Programar a ciegas at programaraciegas.es. iStopMotion review from boinx.com including Bastian Wolfe’s hysterical video and my 1 second stop motion movie. In […]

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