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NosillaCast Logo - text says NosillaCast Podcast and EVER so slight Apple Bias. Main background is a gradient medium blue to lighter blue with a skyline of black silhouette buildings below. Behind the building are some geometric red shapes. And of course the prominent podfeet (two bare feet) are in the middle

NC #921 I’m Still Using It Part 4, Photo Workflow by Graeme Sheppard, HomeKit and Schlage Automation by Jill from the Northwoods

Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, January 1, 2023, and this is show number 921. As you can tell, I have my annual laryngitis. But don’t worry, you’re not going to have to listen […]

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generic icon of a camera, headphones and a speaker representing a gadget

I’m Still Using It — Part 4 — Michael on Ingress, Stephen on 2013 MacBook Pro, Rose on TypeStyler, Tom K120 Keyboard

For now, this is the last installment of the I’m Still Using It series. We’ll start with a contribution from Michael Westbay: Michael Westbay on Ingress I’m still using Ingress. (Playing Ingress?) Hi there Nosilla Castaways. Michael from Yokohama here. It all started around the end of 2013. I was thinking about what my goals would […]

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generic icon of a camera, headphones and a speaker representing a gadget

I’m Still Using It — Part 3 — iPod Video from Lynn, Hazel Allister, Claus on FlightRadar24, Kenneth on iPod Classic, Kevin on the Abacus, Terry on DaisyWheel Printer

In Part 3 of our “I’m Still Using It” series, we’ve got some golden oldies from the lovely NosillaCastaways. Lynn York on 5th-gen Click-wheel Video iPod Lynn York has a great I’m Still Using It it for us Hi Allison, We are still using a DLO HomeDock that we purchased in 1/2006, with 5th gen […]

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Mermaid Diagram showing the relationships between the different podcasts at the Podfeet Podcasts empire

Mermaid Diagrams Won’t Replace for Me, But it Sure is Fun

Mermaid Diagram We’ll be Making Mermaid Diagrams Won’t Replace as my diagramming tool of choice, but they’re still pretty cool. I’ve been having a lot of fun lately with a tool called Mermaid for making diagrams. I’ve hesitated about whether to tell you about Mermaid diagrams for two reasons. One reason for my hesitance […]

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