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QD Laser's

CSUN ATC 2022: QD Laser Assistive Eyewear

Allison interviews Samuel Presgraves from QD Laser about their assistive eyewear technology. QD Laser’s RETISSA Medical technology uses laser retinal scanning to assist patients with low visual acuity caused by irregular astigmatism, which cannot be sufficiently corrected by conventional glasses and/or contact lenses. RETISSA achieves this by forming an image from a camera and projecting […]

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Foldable Video Image Magnifier Unit

CSUN ATC 2022: Eschenbach Foldable Video Magnifier Unit

Allison interviews Kenneth Bradley, President and CEO of Eshenbach, about their desktop video magnifier unit. The Vario Digital 22 is a foldable desktop video magnifier with high image quality and compact design. It features a 22” full HD monitor with optical zoom from 1.3x – 45x magnification and an FHD camera that provides a true-color […]

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CSUN Assistive Tech conference logo

Wyss Institute Multi-Segment Displays at CSUN – Michael Karpelson Interview Transcript

For my last interview at CSUN’s Accessible Tech conference this year, I spoke with Michael Karpelson of the Wyss Institute. The audio for this conversation will be in NosillaCast #830 which will be published on 4 April 2021. You can learn more about the Wyss Institute and Michael’s work by going to… You can […]

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