Tobii Technology’s Eye Tracking Could Help Mobility and Communications Impaired

Allison interviews Stephan Floyd from Tobii about their assistive technologies for people with communication and mobility disabilities. Stephan describes Tobii’s new eye tracking technology while Allison visualizes scenes through the device. The setting is CES Unveiled at the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Learn more at Using a Screen Reader? click here

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iOS Access for All

Apple has really made a huge difference in the way a lot of us think about accessibility. Where it used to be a fringe subject, it’s now mainstream because they build it into all of their iOS devices, into their apps and have even made it part of the central theme during keynotes and in […]

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Echo-Sense Glasses

Allison interviews Haden Etheridge from Vizion Partners about their Echo-Sense Network Glasses that improve mobility and quality of life for blind & visually impaired. The setting is the CSUN 29th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference show room floor. Using a Screen Reader? click here

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