This week we’ll learn how awesome Smile, the makers of TextExpander really is (in spite of last week) and how Ditto can give you notifications without a smart watch. We’ll learn how you really NEED a wicked cool new router like the Netgear X8 5300ac, and Bart is back with Security Bits. mp3 download
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You NEED This Wicked Cool Router: Netgear X8 5300
A few years ago I got FiOS and my ISP gave me a combo modem/router. I talked to Bart and he helped me figure out how to basically emasculate the FiOS router so that I could use my Airport Extreme to serve out DHCP addresses and WiFi. I created a tutorial as he explained it […]
Continue readingWhy Smile is a Great Company
Last week the company Smile announced big changes to their software TextExpander that were not well received by their customer base. Smile co-founder, Greg Scown, was my guest on Chit Chat Across the Pond to talk about it. Before he came on the show, I decided to send him my outline of what I would […]
Continue readingReceive Notifications with Ditto
One of the coolest things about the Pebble watch, and now Apple and Android watches how they give you notifications on your wrist. It’s not that you HAVE to be notified instantly of every single thing with interruptions, rather the exact opposite. Having notifications on your wrist allows you to quickly see what you DON’T […]
Continue readingBig or Small? Maybe We Should Buy Them All!
As a listener to tech podcasts, I’m sure you’re always asked questions like,”Should I get the small, medium, or large iPad?” or Should I get a MacBook, a MacBook Pro or a Macbook Air?” or “should I get an iPad or a Macbook?” So often the question is whether we need the big one or […]
Continue readingNo voice? Text to Speech + Audio Hijack + Loopback For the Win!
I’m not sure you noticed on last week’s show, but the audio was just a little bit “different”. I started losing my voice on Friday and by Sunday I could barely squeak out a sentence. I get laryngitis periodically, ever since I was a little girl. Not sure why it happens, seems to be more […]
Continue readingNC #569 Voiceless Allison, Blindshell Smart Phone, I Made Fire, Sesame Smartphone, Security Bits
I lost my voice this week so I asked the Text-to-Speech voice named, coincidentally, Allison to step in for me and MC the show. Luckily we’ve got two interviews from the CSUN Person’s With Disabilities Expo. First, we’ll hear about the BlindShell Smartphone for the visually impaired that might also be helpful to the elderly […]
Continue readingI Have Made Fire!
Over the last 9 years or so, Bart Busschots has been teaching you and me to be geekier and more technical through his session in Chit Chat Across the Pond. First, it was random bits of knowledge but in the last few years he’s gotten much more structured about it, bringing us Taming the Terminal […]
Continue readingPaprika Recipe Manager
I’m not a chef and I won’t even suggest that I’m an accomplished cook. In fact, it’s well known that Steve and I have been eating on a repetitive schedule for going on 20 years. Our kids first pointed it out when they noticed that we had made burritos every Monday for a very long […]
Continue reading2.4GHz Network Restored With the USB 3 Hub in Place
Last week I told the story of my work with Apple to diagnose a misbehaving 2.4GHz wireless network. The TL;DR (too long, didn’t read) version is that my 2.4GHz wireless network for my Internet of Things devices was being affected by my Anker 10-port USB 3 hub. During the live show ( George from Tulsa […]
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