Can Tome’s Software Combined with Humanscale’s Desks Make You Healthier?

Allison interviews Jake Sigal from Tome about their partnership with Humanscale. Tome’s software combined with Humanscale’s OfficeIQ sit/stand office furniture creates a connected, intelligent workstation to get people out of their seats and moving more during the work day. The setting is CES Unveiled at the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Learn more at Using a […]

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Linx Impact Assessment Records Head Impacts for Youth Sports

Brain injuries in contact sports are a significant concern for parents. With BlackBox Biometrics’ Linx Impact Assessment device, parents and coaches can get real time and cumulative data on head impacts. Allison interviews Jessica Sica-Lieber from BlackBox Biometrics about their Linx Impact Assessment System (IAS). Linx IAS measures impacts to the athlete equipped with a […]

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Tobii Technology’s Eye Tracking Could Help Mobility and Communications Impaired

Allison interviews Stephan Floyd from Tobii about their assistive technologies for people with communication and mobility disabilities. Stephan describes Tobii’s new eye tracking technology while Allison visualizes scenes through the device. The setting is CES Unveiled at the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Learn more at Using a Screen Reader? click here

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