The Apple Contacts application isn’t really designed to handle how many different ways we have of contacting people these days. In particular it’s awful at handling couples in a single card entry. Let’s say you’re friends with Bob and Sally Schwinkendorf. You send them a holiday card every year so you want both of their […]
Continue readingCategory: Blog Posts
Podfeet Might be a Wee Bit Faster
I am an amazing proof reader. I can spot a typo on a piece of paper that’s across a table from me and turned around, but I can never see typos in my own work. I can only think it’s an arrogance thing in my brain, that there’s no chance I would ever make a […]
Continue readingKilling the Cord $10 at a Time
Steve and I are big fans of television and we really like the content we get from cable. We have 5 TVs, 3 of which have TiVos on them with cable cards so we can watch and record a ton of TV. We also like Internet TV content. We use Amazon Instant Video to rent […]
Continue readingProJive XLR for Big Girl Mic Input to RecoLive MultiCam
Last week I talked about the awesome $5 app for the iPad (and iPhone) MultiCam from RecoLive that lets you record a multi-camera session using cameras on your iOS devices and Mac and even your desktop. I had one complaint that I wasn’t able to use an external mic, because Multi-Cam simply didn’t have an […]
Continue readingUsing Automator to Launch Applications
Every Sunday night between 4:30 and 4:45pm, I get ready to do the live show. It’s a pretty complex operation (I even have a diagram). Most of the hardware pieces are plugged in all the time, my microphone, my camera, and my Mac, but I run seven applications on my main Mac to get the […]
Continue readingLeaving a DSLR for a Mirrorless Camera
I started in photography with a Minolta X700 in 1978. The day finally came when set aside my trusty camera for the sexiness of digital with the Nikon 950. I didn’t actually get rid of my Minolta because I loved it so much. Time marched on and I went through a series of point and […]
Continue readingProduce a Multi-Camera Shoot on an iPad for $5
You know how on high-end TV shows they have these complex and very expensive devices to switch cameras between newscasters, and video feeds, and doing beautiful cross-dissolves or quick cuts between them? Would you believe there’s a $5 iPad app that can do a lot of that and even record your multi-cam production? This is […]
Continue readingTop 5 iPhone Apps
Last week I started to answer Tammy’s really mean question, “What are your top 5 favorite apps?” I say it’s mean because it’s so hard to choose only 5! As I said before, I chose to break this up into my top 5 iPad, iPhone and OSX apps. This week we’ll take a look at […]
Continue readingEasily Grip Your DSLR with ProStrap Camera Wrist Straps by Kirschen Seah
Greetings fellow Nosillacastaways – Kirschen Seah from here with a review. It’s about camera related accessories this time. First off – let’s look at the problem to be solved. You have a nice camera, be it compact or Digital SLR, and don’t quite like the idea of hanging the camera with the included neck […]
Continue readingBest Alternative to Photoshop by Allister Jenks
Hello fellow NosillaCastaways. Allister here again, from New Zealand with perhaps a surprising answer to a common question. The problem to be solved? Numerous times in the last few years I have heard podcasters addressing the question “What software should I use instead of Photoshop?” The usual answers include The GiMP, Acorn and Pixelmator. Certainly […]
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