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CCATP #804 — Pat Dengler on an Elaborate Scam Involving “Amazon”, the “FBI”, “Lawyers”, and More

Certified Apple Consultant Pat Dengler joins me to tell the harrowing story of how her neighbor was seconds away from being scammed out of $30,000. In an elaborate web of lies with multiple people involved, she was connected supposedly to Amazon, the FBI, lawyers, and more, and every single person gave their IDs and return […]

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CCATP #803 Adam Engst on Obituary Scams Triggering iPhone Security Warnings

We have Adam Engst of TidBITS back again to talk about an unusual and clever scam experienced by one of his TidBITS readers. It involved fake obituaries triggering iPhone security warnings triggering App Store downloads. You can find Adam’s written article on the topic at…. mp3 download Read an unedited, auto-generated transcript with chapter […]

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