Tom Steven, aka Tom on the Internet from joins me to tell the tale of how he went from knowing zero about programming to landing a full-time job as a web developer in two years of self-training. Then he talks about the things that surprised him that he learned as a developer in that […]
Continue readingCategory: Chit Chat Across the Pond
Chit Chat Across the Pond is a weekly interview show on the topic of technology, or sometimes just with someone really interesting.
CCATP #624 — Bart Busschots on PBS 90 of X — JavaScript Wrapper Objects
Hope you enjoyed getting the little extra Tidbits episode this week. In this installment Bart continues our on-going mini-series looking at each of the proverbial hats JavaScript objects wear. Bart explains the concept of JavaScript wrapper objects that allow you to access properties of otherwise property-less primitives. It’s pretty magical and I only got lost […]
Continue readingPBS Tidbit 1 of Y — Display Values are not Data!
This is not a normal episode of Programming By Stealth, it’s what Bart Busschots is calling a PBS Tidbit. Listener @lbutlr pointed out to Bart and me on Twitter that Bart’s math was wrong in his solution to the challenge he posted in PBS 89. The assignment was to produce currency exchange rates for a […]
Continue readingCCATP #623 — Lila Brissette on Accessibility from a Young Person’s Perspective
While we were in Las Vegas for CES, we carved out some time to have dinner with our good friend, JF Brissette, who is also the editor of all of my videos for ScreenCastsOnline. He brought his daughter Lila to dinner and she started talking to me about her journey of discovery into accessibility on […]
Continue readingCCATP #622 — Bart Busschots on PBS 89 of X — Currency Converter Challenge
In this week’s installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart explains his new plan for both the content of PBS and the way the shownotes are created and presented to you. Bart has noticed that because we put a challenge solution and new content into the same show, the solution gets short-changed. That’s a shame because […]
Continue readingCCATP #621 — Bart Busschots’s Health Tech Update
Bart Busschots takes us through the new health tech he’s added since he was last here on the subject. From more bike equipment to blood pressure monitoring, to sleep monitoring to thermometers and more. mp3 download
Continue readingCCATP #620 — Eleanor Mazzarella on Moving from Musician to Programmer
This week we’re joined by Eleanor Mazzarella, a musician turned programmer. She gives us her background in music from finding a clarinet on a bookshelf as a child to a career as a classical performer. She then walks us through how and why she decided that programming sounded like more fun. She’s a funny, delightful […]
Continue readingCCATP #619 — Bart Busschots on PBS 88 of X — DOM & jQuery Objects Redux
Bart is nearing the end of his mini-series recapping al of the different hats JavaScript objects wear, doing a lot of redux to cement the concepts that have been spread over so many lessons. He takes a really interesting approach this week to his teaching. He explains a concept and then instead of having a […]
Continue readingCCATP #618 – Adam Engst on Success of Macs at IBM
Adam Engst, veteran author of TidBITS for the last 29 years, inventor of Internet advertising and someone who dresses appropriately for the weather joins us for this episode of Chit Chat Across the Pond. Adam explains the fascinating results that IBM has reported since they first decided to give their employees the choice of whether […]
Continue readingCCATP #617 – Bart Busschots on PBS 87 of X — JavaScript Iterators Objects & Generator Functions
I’m not going to lie, this episode of Programming By Stealth with Bart Busschots was a bit head bendy. Bart explains JavaScript Iterator Objects and Generator functions but without his excellent examples I’m certain I would never have been able to get the concepts to even slightly congeal in my brain. Iterator Objects and Generator […]
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