In this week’s installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart teaches us about how to change the look of HTML buttons using their CSS attributes. It’s great fun, but I have to confess we don’t actually get to the new stuff till over an hour into the show! We had so much fun going through the […]
Continue readingCategory: Chit Chat Across the Pond
Chit Chat Across the Pond is a weekly interview show on the topic of technology, or sometimes just with someone really interesting.
CCATP #471 Mikah Sargent on Siri and Alexa and Home Automation
Mikah Sargent, senior editor at Mobile Nations and podcaster at RelayFM joins us to compare and contrast how Siri from Apple and Alexa from Amazon help with home automation and other tasks around the house. He has a vast array of Home Automation devices from Hue lights to Eve sensors to an Ecobee thermostat to […]
Continue readingCCATP #470 – Bart Busschots PBS 27 – Introducing HTML Forms
On this week’s continuing series Programming By Stealth, Bart introduces us to HTML forms in order to take user input. It’s a pretty basic installment so not as head bendy as they have been lately. He also gives us some more repetitive homework to get more practice creating and using prototypes and accessor methods. The […]
Continue readingCCATP #469 Allister Jenks on Affinity Designer
This week we’re joined by Allister Jenks of the Sitting Duck Podcast. I tricked him into using Affinity Photo (and he loves it) so he turns the tables and convinces me to buy into Affinity Designer. He’ll explain the difference between pixel and vector editors, and why you’d want to use one tool over the […]
Continue readingCCATP #468 Chris Ashley On Microsoft Windows on Arm and More
One of my best friends on the Internet, Chris Ashley of the SMR Podcast joins us to talk Microsoft. We talk about what the implications are of Windows coming out for the Arm processors, why the Surface Studio has made such a splash, I confess that I bought into Office 365, and how Chris is […]
Continue readingCCATP #467 – Bart Busschots PBS 26 – HTML Data Attributes with jQuery
Bart Busschots is back with another installment of Programming By Stealth. In this week’s episode we wake Allison up from her long winter nap away from programming and continue our work on our JavaScript clock. The goal is to create a better API for our clock so that we can publish it and have it […]
Continue readingCCATP #466 – Terry Austin on an App and Headphones for Hearing Loss
This week’s Chit Chat Across the Pond is a fantastic blend of technology, physiology and ingenuity to solve a very common problem. We’re joined by Terry Austin, a professor of Anatomy & Physiology and microbiology at Temple College in the Texas Hill Country. He turned his research background in neuroscience and his love of technology […]
Continue readingCCATP #465 – Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 25 – Case Study of a JavaScript API
Bart gave me another two weeks to get my homework done on Programming By Stealth and brings us a case study of how to create a JavaScript API on Github. He uses a real life example of a small, open source library he released over the weekend called barfificer.linkTookit.js. This library includes many of the […]
Continue readingCCATP #464 – Bart Busschots – Taming the Terminal on screen and cron
It’s been a long time since we did a Taming the Terminal episode but we’re back with episode 36 of n, screen and cron. You’ll hear me say this is episode 35, but with all these numbers flying around we got mixed up! In any case, in this installment Bart teaches us two unrelated but […]
Continue readingCCATP #463 Ensign John Moorhead Recounts 1945 Typhoon
Jeanne and Jack Moorhead before he left for war Hi, this is Allison Sheridan and you’re listening to Chit Chat Across the Pond episode #463 for November 10th, 2016. This week’s recording is very different from anything I’ve done before. This story took place on September 16, 1945. On that date a horrific typhoon hit […]
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