This week, Steve and I share hosting Chit Chat Across the Pond with retired electrical engineer, ham radio nerd, and remote control flier, Brian Johnson. Brian explains how he has taken his love of electronics and works to spread his enthusiasm to kids through volunteering at local schools. The pinnacle of his experiences was when […]
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Chit Chat Across the Pond is a weekly interview show on the topic of technology, or sometimes just with someone really interesting.
CCATP #461 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 24 – Creating a JavaScript API
In this week’s installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart teaches us how to create a JavaScript API up to and including an easy way to create professional documentation in order to publish our work as a JavaScript library. In order to get there we learn how to write reusable and sharable code, how “closures” help […]
Continue readingCCATP #460 Shelly Brisbin on Self-Publishing
We’re joined by Shelly Brisbin, author of the book iOS Access for All and host of The Parallel Podcast. As she’s written more than a dozen tech books, I asked her to come on the show to explain how she creates her books, what tools she uses, and how she migrated from using an agent […]
Continue readingCCATP #459 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 23 – Creating Elements with jQuery
In this installment of Programming By Stealth, we’re working towards our first truly practical assignment in the series – a function that finds all links on a page, and if, and only if, they lead to an external page, alters them to open in a new tab, and appends an icon indicating that fact. Bart’s […]
Continue readingCCATP #458 Allister Jenks on Programming as a Hobby and a Tool
Allister Jenks joins us to talk about how he uses programming as a hobby and as a tool for solving problems. In his always delightful way, he talks about early experiences programming and how they sparked such joy in him. We’re talking a TRS-80 clone here and a programmable calculator! He tells the story of […]
Continue readingCCATP #457 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 22 – jQuery Events
Bart Busschots joins us again for his continuing series called Programming By Stealth. In this episode Bart explains how to embed JavaScript into a webpage, how to control when JavaScript executes and then teaches us about the browser event model. Using this model he teaches us how we can change things on a web page […]
Continue readingCCATP #456 Mike Elgan on Life as a Digital Nomad
Mike Elgan is an opinion columnist, currently working on a book about digital nomad living. You may have seen or heard him on the TWiT network where he’s a frequent contributor to TWIT, MacBreak Weekly and he was formerly the host of Tech News Today. Mike and his family spend many months at a time […]
Continue readingCCATP #455 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 21 – jQuery Basics
In this installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots continues our baby steps into jQuery, keeping us inside the JavaScript console. He reviews some html and css basics and then teaches us how to select elements with jQuery, limit the search, and filter the results. Then he shows us how to start changing the css […]
Continue readingCCATP #454 Lynda Gousha on Apple Announcements
This week our guest is Lynda Gousha and she’s here to talk about the big Apple announcements with me. We’ll talk Apple Watch Series 2, iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, discuss camera specs and revel in “the best iPhone” they’ve ever made. You may have heard her on other fine podcasts, like Let’s Talk Apple […]
Continue readingCCATP #453 Programming By Stealth – 20 of x JavaScript in the Browser
In this installment of Programming By Stealth with Bart Busschots, we finally break out of the sandbox and learn how to use the console in a web browser to start taking control of web browsers. Bart’s full tutorial is available at… mp3 download
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