Bart Busschots did a talk for the Connecticut Macintosh Connection (aka CTMac) at a few weeks ago where he explained how the Internet of Things can be a concern for the security of your home network. Of course he didn’t stop there, he sent on to explain how for a fairly small amount of […]
Continue readingCategory: Chit Chat Across the Pond
Chit Chat Across the Pond is a weekly interview show on the topic of technology, or sometimes just with someone really interesting.
CCATP #434 – Programming by Stealth – 13 of x (JavaScript Conditionals)
In this week’s episode of the continuing series with Bart Busschots, he introduces the concept of conditionals. We’ll learn whether boogers is true or false, how Javascript handles text strings and numbers in comparisons (what’s bigger or smaller), how equality is really three different things, and we’ll learn about logical operators like AND, OR and […]
Continue readingCCATP #433 I Push Hard on Greg Scown from Smile About TextExpander 6
There’s been a lot of consternation on the Internet this week about the announcements by Smile with their new TextExpander 6 product at I invited Smile founder Greg Scown onto the show to explain their thinking and to allow me to ask him some tough questions. It was hard for me to do because […]
Continue readingCCATP #432 – Programming by Stealth – 12 of x (JavaScript Intro)
In this installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots dips our baby toe into Javascript. We learn the very basic building blocks, including how to make statements, how to make comments, three rules for variables, the difference between strings and numbers and what you can do with them, operators and concatenation. With the exception of […]
Continue readingCCATP #431 “What’s a Producer?” With Jennie Josephson
Jennie Josephson, Senior Advisor to the Daily Tech News Show, joins us this week to try and answer a question I’ve had for a long time, “What’s a producer?” Jennie is qualified to answer this question with her background in radio and news production over the years. You’ll hear her try to answer this question […]
Continue readingCCATP #430 – Programming by Stealth – 11 of x (Tables)
Finally, after many months of making us wait, Bart has decided it’s time to look at tables on web pages. We’ll start by describing the HTML markup for tables, and then look at how to style them with CSS. Follow along with Bart’s full tutorial at… mp3 download
Continue readingCCATP #429 Stewart Cheifet on AI, Self-Driving Cars and Virtual Reality
Stewart Cheifet hosted shows on television about technology from the 1980s through 2002. The Computer Chronicles and Net Cafe are still fascinating to watch because of Stewart’s ability to see the current technology and map out the path to the future. I asked Stewart to come on and talk about Artificial Intelligence, self-driving cars, and […]
Continue readingCCATP #428 Programming by Stealth – 10 of x (Yet More CSS)
If you want to know why there are pig faces in this image, check out the latest installment of Programming By Stealth from Bart Busschots. He takes me through four new CSS methods to style lists, he teaches me more CSS selectors, and then we get to play with pseudo-classes. It’s great fun and I […]
Continue readingCCATP #427 Barry Fulk on Mobile Device Management
In this episode of Chit Chat Across the Pond, we’re joined by Barry Fulk. Barry is known as the nicest guy in the world who specializes in stalking Mac podcasters. He also directs mobile device management at a large, highly regulated company. He joins us to explain what MDM, or Mobile Device Management is, and […]
Continue readingCCATP #426 Bart Busschots Programming by Stealth – 9 of x (More CSS Positioning)
This week Bart introduces a visual tool he created just for us (well, for me) to help us really understand how the box model works in CSS. You can see his tool here:… and follow along with his detailed tutorial on More CSS Positioning here:…. mp3 download
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