I attempt to give you a way to grasp the enormity of the Apple earnings. Listen to the Live NosillaCast on your Roku, AppleTV, Windows Phone and more by clicking on Help over at alphageekradio.com. In Dumb Question Corner, I attempt to find a tolerable answer to James Staple’s question from Twitter: is there a […]
Continue readingCategory: Chit Chat Across the Pond
Chit Chat Across the Pond is a weekly interview show on the topic of technology, or sometimes just with someone really interesting.
#506 Preview Reduce File Size, Tobii, Black Box Biometrics, AmpStrip, Synaptics, Taming the Terminal Part 27b of n DNS
A better way to reduce file size in Preview with a tutorial at podfeet.com/blog/how-to-reduce-the-file-size-of-a-pdf-using-preview/. Interviews from CES: Tobii from tobii.com with assistive technology for people with communication an mobility disabilities, Black Box Biometrics shows us the Linx Impact Assessment to track head impacts in youth sports from b3inc.com, the AmpStrip heart sensor from Fitlinxx learn […]
Continue reading#505 Mophie Juice Pack for iPhone 6, Lowes Innovation Labs, Taming the Terminal Part 27 DNS
How much you really walk at CES, and the many faces of CES. We start playing our CES interviews with Mophie announcing their new Juice Packs for the iPhone 6 and 6+. Next we talked to the Lowes Innovation Labs about their OSHBot Robot and their virtual reality home improvement system using the Oculus Rift. […]
Continue reading#503 Gas Cubby, Yota-phone, CuBox-i2ex, Elusive 1s and 0s, TTT Part 26 DHCP
Steven Goetz (aka Goatman) sent in a review of Gas Cubby Free, Allister came through with an unsolicited testimonial for Hover, Knightwise reviews the inventive and interesting Yota-Phone, Door tells about the CuBox-i2ex and in Dumb Question Corner, Steve answers Timo from Finland’s question about 1s and 0s. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart […]
Continue reading#500 Celebration, How 200 Volts is a BAD thing, Taming the Terminal IP Subnets
This show is filled with THIRTEEN wonderful listener contributions. From the sweet to the silly to the artistic to the snarky, they’re all fabulous. I tell you the story of how we ended up with 200 Volts AC in our house and what that does to unprotected devices (spoiler, it’s a BAD thing). In Chit […]
Continue reading#494 ChromeSafe, Partial Solar Eclipse, ApplePay, Unprotected WiFi, Taming the Terminal Part 23a Networks
How to protect Chrome on OS X from POODLE vulnerability using Dorothy’s Tutorial. Capturing imagery of a partial solar eclipse – Steve’s video, my photo. A little rocky trying to use ApplePay for the first time, but it worked in the end. Unprotected wifi fun thanks to Andy sending in the link to medium.com and […]
Continue reading#487 Roker Sound Cube Bluetooth Speaker, How to Turn off Facebook Auto-Play Videos, Find Command in Taming the Terminal
Correction from Security Lite last week – it was UPS not USPS that got compromised. My AppleTV continues to fail…sort of. Donald Burr reviews the $23 Roker®Sound Cube Portable Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Speaker and gives it a thumbs up. I created a tutorial on how to turn OFF auto-play on Facebook videos. In Dumb Question […]
Continue reading#480 Fixing WordPress Using phpMyAdmin, PiCAT Cat Painting Program, Normal Person Upgrades Office, Taming the Terminal Part 19
First I’m going to tell you how I made fire, or how I fixed Pat’s WordPress installation (instructions at instructions over at wordpress.org. Then Dorothy tells us about PiCAT, an iPad app to let your cat paint from the App Store. Next up I talk to Linda Decker, aka NYLinda, aka “normal person” on the […]
Continue reading#472 Password Management, Surface Pro 3 vs Macbook Air, Screencasting with Screenflow, SwitchResX, Taming the Terminal Part 18b Regular Expressions
Ralph gives me some great advice on how to approach password management for unsophisticated users. I ask the question why Microsoft would choose to compare the Surface Pro 3 to the 13″ Macbook Air. Fun challenges with learning to screencast using Screenflow on the Mac, using SwitchResX from madrau.com as I work with Home Inventory […]
Continue reading#470 OneNote, 1Password vs LastPass for Unsophisticated Users, Belkin and iLuv Headphone Adapters, Taming the Terminal Part 18a of n
9 year anniversary of the NosillaCast, Cloak Giveaway complete, should unsophisticated users be pointed to 1Password or LastPass? Can OneNote from Microsoft replace Evernote? Add Apple Remote Functions to any headphones with the Belkin Headphone Adapter with Remote for Apple iPod shuffle, and the iLuv iPod Remote with 3rd-Party Headphone Adapter, or Scoche. In Chit […]
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