Engadget Live – Eclipse VR Game

Allison interviews the founder of White Elk Studios, Jonathan Hawkins, about his new VR game Eclipse. Jonathan designed Eclipse and configured the PC and Mac hardware used to run the game. Eclipse presents a very immersive VR experience that is fluid and easy to follow. The setting is the Engadget Live event in downtown Los […]

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Engadget Live – Ario Healthy Lamp

Allison interviews Brian Hoskins from Ario Living about his healthy lamp. This lamp helps to keep you healthy by automatically adjusting light color and direction to support your body’s circadian rhythm. The setting is the Engadget Live event in downtown Los Angeles. Learn more at arioliving.com. Using a Screen Reader? click here

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Peau Productions Will Modify Your GoPro With Improved Lenses & Filters

Allison interviews Nolan Ramseyer from Peau Productions about their modifications to GoPro cameras. Peau Productions provides several options for modifying and upgrading GoPro Hero camera stock lenses. Products include internal lens modifications to add filters, remove the fish-eye effects, add zoom and other optical effects. Peau also provides modification kits to support user swappable lenses […]

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High End Leather Bags from LooptWorks Actually Save Natural Resources

Allison interviews LooptWorks CEO and Co-founder Scott Hamlin about their Bags, Cases and Sleeves made from repurposed materials. LooptWorks takes excess materials from other companies, such as shoe leather and airline seat covers, and turns them into high-end products. By recapturing excess materials Looptworks saves a significant amount of water and other natural resources. The […]

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