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KAHE electric outboard motor is white, about 2 ft long, 6 in in diameter, and is shaped like a small. torpedo.

CES 2024: KAHE Multi-Purpose Electric Outboard Motor

Allison interviews Christian Ollier, co-founder of KAHE, about their multi-purpose electric outboard motor called the POD 600. In addition to serving as a portable outboard motor, the POD can quickly transform into an underwater scooter with handles or a propulsion device for standup paddle boards, kayaks, and float tubes. The purely electric POD is a […]

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Feeldom company logo with tagline "One bag for all"

CSUN ATC 2023: Feeldom Handcrafted Backpacks for Every Body

Allison interviews Adrianne Mascho from Feeldom about their handcrafted backpacks that are designed for those who are blind or with low vision and/or those who use a wheelchair. These backpacks are designed by actual wheelchair users who consider the needs and suggestions of people with all kinds of disabilities. Feeldom backpacks have a padded structure […]

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Scrip Talk logo with with mortar and pestle for making prescription drugs

CSUN ATC 2023: ScripTalk Talking Prescription Labels

Allison interviews Amanda Tolson from En-Vision America about their ScripTalk service designed for people who are blind or vision impaired and can’t read their medication labels. The service will read all of a patient’s prescription information out loud. ScripTalk is a free, easy-to-use service available at thousands of pharmacies throughout the U.S. and Canada. ScripTalk […]

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