Steve and I celebrate our 50th birthdays together – so we’re 100! Rose meets Leo and makes him hold up a sign for me, two Time Machine options to edit the scheduling: TimeMachineScheduler from and TimeMachineEditor from Long awaited Honda Bob interview where you get to learn up close and person how geeky […]
Continue readingCategory: NosillaCast
#145 New Macs for my In-laws, SecuritySpy, Twhirl, jpeg vs. tiff in HDR, GIMP for Leopard
I survived 3 days without internet access on a cruise, setting up my in-laws new iMac and how I did syncing between the iMac and their MacBook, SecuritySpy review by Paul Burns (, Honda Bob does a review of InfoSelect 9.0 by, and Twhirl review by Elliott from In Chit Chat Across the […]
Continue reading#144 Smack Your iPhone
Get a Life redux – Martin’s blog and Megan Duffy’s Not Nurse Ratched blog and Rose comes out of the geek closet too. Trials and tribulations making intro and outtro to Bart’s HDR video and how Quicktime Pro and Wiretap Studio were the heroes. OSX update wrecks our G4 Powerbook. David claims Asia, leaving only […]
Continue reading#143 Video Screencast from Bart on HDR
As you can see, this is a special edition video episode, thanks to the work of Bart Busschots of In this video screencast, he’s going to actually demonstrate this HDR photography technique he talked about in the last 2 shows. He’ll start by showing you several photos of the same scene, but taken at […]
Continue reading#142 ICY Dock, USB speed, pbwiki, Common Craft, screencasting
Why do they tell me to “get a life”? Open .exe files on the Mac with the free Stuffit Expander 12 from Smith Micro or The Unarchiver from ICY Dock review from plus a study of USB speeds on the Mac vs. Windows (why is USB on the Mac 80% faster?). Drew switches […]
Continue reading#141 4 Podcasts 1 Week, Pixelmator update, All Hotkeys, Touch review, HDR photography, Apple misbehaves
Al’s busy week on the Mac Roundtable, the Views from the Coop Podcast, the first MacDay LA event, and finally co-hosting the Typical Mac User Podcast with Victor Cajiao over on TalkShoe! Margaret points out I do go out with friends as long as they’re not James. Pixelmator from gets constrained cropping, another good […]
Continue reading#139 Sedona, Camtasia Studio, ScreenFlow, SoundSource, Fluid
Sedona Panorama & using iPhone to search for Radio Shack. Antarctica will be claimed by Michael, Bruce calls in about his trip to Bangkok claiming Asia, but Africa stays at large. announces incorporation of web galleries from other hosts, song last week was Aperture Science from Connor solves my home folder missing in […]
Continue reading#138 Touchpad, Base, Kexi, U-suit, Aperture 2, Bad Irish iPhone deal
ScreenSteps Redux, Paul claims South America – assisted by Scott from Minnesota, Paul reviews RemoteBuddy from and Touchpad for iPhone from Jeremy suggests Base as part of the Open Office suite at for Honda Bob’s database needs, or Kexi from Martin suggested MySQL from for Honda Bob. Rose gives a […]
Continue reading#137 jAlbum skins, SafariPlus, Crutchfield, ScreenSteps, Astronomy Software
The Pragmatic Bookshelf and Andy Hunt’s book “Refactor Your Wetware: Pragmatic Thinking and Learning”, Rose and her replica house of Macquarie Island: link to the Australian Antarctic Data Centre’s website. Add new jAlbum skins from, especially ImageFlow. How to manage MacBook Pro heat including monitoring with iStat Menus from and Flashblock from […]
Continue reading#136 KeyXL, DiscLabel, Linux Apps on Mac
Homework assignment – find people in Africa, Asia, and Antartica to check in, more Twitter clients at, KeyXL from for keyboard shortcuts by operating system. Texter breaks for Mike too, request for Podcast lessons from Gérard, DiscLabel from How I still can’t get a good backup, and Bart and I discuss Martin’s […]
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