Hi this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Mac Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Macintosh bias. Today is Sunday 7 February 2016 and this is show number 561. This week we have reviews from George from Tulsa and Victor Cajaio, I’m going to tell you about a […]
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NC #560 Apple Rant, Facebook Group, PIQ Sports Sensor, Brydge Keyboards, Ring Video Doorbell, ALLie Spherical Camera, SureCall Cell Booster
We start with an Apple rant about some “interesting” tech support calls I endured. I explain how I gave in and created a Facebook Group after all, but please don’t judge me. We have four interviews: PIQ Sports sensor to help you analyze your game, adorable Brydge keyboards for your iPad, ALLie Spherical Camera and […]
Continue readingNC #559 Behringer DAC, Ring Doorbell, FLIR, FFmpeg, IOGear USB-C, Black & Decker, Security Bits
Allister Jenks reviews the Behringer UCA222 Digital Audio Interface, we have CES interviews about the Ring Video Doorbell and The FLIR One Personal Thermal Imager. Then I’ll tell you a story about FFmpeg and video transcoding, followed by two more CES interviews with IOGear and Black & Decker. Finally we’ll have Security Bits with Bart […]
Continue readingNC #558 Recon 50 Headset, Catalyst Waterproof Apple Watch Case, CleverPet, 3 Camera Shoot, Canary Home Security, 1Password All Vaults
We’re going to start with a short audio clip from George from Tulsa on the Recon 50 Gaming Headset that sounds great. Next up we’ll hear about the Catalyst Waterproof Apple Watch Case and the CleverPet Smart Pet Feeder. We’ll have a palette cleanser where I’ll explain how we did a three camera shoot for […]
Continue readingNC #557 CES Impressions, Jacoti ListenApp, PicoBrew, URB-E, Security Stuff
I’ll give you one person’s impression of the adventure they call CES (which isn’t the same for anyone else). We’ll hear interviews from CES. We’ll start with Jacoti about their free iOS ListenApp for the hearing impaired, we’ll learn about the PicoBrew home brewing system, we’ll talk to URB-E about the Compact urban electric vehicle, […]
Continue readingCCATP #420 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 6 of x (Introducing CSS)
In the 6th installment of Bart Busschots’ Programming by Stealth series, he introduces the concept of CSS to allow us to format our html pages. He gives us an overview of terminology, explains the different ways to add CSS to an HTML document, explains the basic syntax, and finally gives us some examples of text […]
Continue readingNC #556 Honda Bob on Apple Battery Case, Olympus Macro Lens, Shure MVi Audio Interface, Facebook – Resistance is Futile
Honda Bob is doing GREAT after his bone marrow transplant (who’s Honda Bob? I’ll explain that) and he gives us his review of the Apple Battery case for the iPhone 6 and 6s. I review the Olympus 60mm f/2.8 Macro Lens for the micro four thirds camera I own (spoiler, it’s awesome!) and I review […]
Continue readingShure MVi Digital Audio Interface + MOTIV App
One of my goals in producing the podcast is to make sure that you hear good quality audio. A second goal is to provide that quality audio with as little hassle on my end as possible. I have a very nice microphone, the Heil PR-40 which Steve bought me a few years ago. It’s a high-end […]
Continue readingNC #555 Black Screen of Death, Don’t Turn off SIP, Tenba Messenger Bag, Security Stuff
What would make not one but two Macs suddenly have their screens go black? We’ll unravel that mystery along with a Dumb Question from John Ornsby asking if it’s ok to partially turn off System Integrity Protection (SIP). I’ll give you a review of the Tenba DNA 8 Messenger Bag and then we’ll close out […]
Continue readingNC #554 Black & White with Red Filters, Everything is Fiddly, Taming the Drobos
Steve and Antonio had a great conversation about red filters on black and white photographs, I go on a rant about how every one of my Apple tech toys is fiddly. I tell a fun story about how I used what I learned in Taming the Terminal to finally tame my Drobos. mp3 download
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