#324 iGrill, Dry Case for IPhone, Clear Rover Puck, Zoogue BinderPad, WD TV Live, MakeMKV, MPlayerX, LowePro Roller, 3GJuice

iTunes affiliate link live at https://podfeet.com so use that for all your iTunes buying including Lion and help out the show. Big announcements: next week’s show will air live at 2pm Pacific on FRIDAY, not Sunday, and the following week the show will be on Sunday again, but hosted by Katie Floyd of macpowerusers.com back […]

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#323 iStumbler, Chicken of the VNC, Clarify, VizWiz, 1 Minute Lion, NewYorker App, SpeechTrans vs Google Translate

Professor Albert asks what SSH is and what it’s for, I answer with an explanation of how to VNC using Chicken of the VNC, how to SSH using iStumbler and teach how to kill a process from a distance. Bluemango Learning introduces the public beta of Clarify at bluemangolearning.com. Darrell Shandrow of the blindaccessjournal.com demonstrates […]

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#319 Google+, iPod Interface from Crutchfield, Chromebook, Easy Hard Passwords, Getting Ready for Lion

Google+ explained (I like it!), Amazon dumps its’ California Affiliates (including me). The USA Spec iPod® Interface from Crutchfield at crutchfield.com. Chromebook review by George from Tulsa. Poor Professor Albert asks how to figure out what his 26 character password is on his wireless router, but I direct him to some lessons from Steve Gibson […]

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#318 New Facebook and Twitter for NosillaCast, Google Pivot Tables, Why is it Called Airport, Rotten-Apples, Flexiglass, Photo Etiquette

New Twitter name @nosillacast and new Facebook Fan Page at facebook.com/nosillacast.podcast. Excel goes head to head with Google on Pivot Tables. In Dumb Question Corner, William from Upstate NY asks why Apple calls wifi Airport. Laurie writes in with a testimonial for the repair service at rotten-apples.net. Learn how to bring Windows window’s functionality to […]

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#316 Instacast, HP Veer 4G, Clarify, Digital Signatures, Asymmetric Encryption, Hashing Functions

ConnorP reviews Instacast (the greatest podcast listening solution EVER) from vemedio.com. I review the HP Veer 4G cellphone running WebOS. Sign up for early notifications from Blue Mango Learning about Clarify at bluemangolearning.com/clarify. In Dumb Question Corner, David asks for the right application to create a logo for his school club, and Professor Albert asks […]

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