In the last installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart taught us all about UML class diagrams for documenting the structure of our code. In this installment, Bart teaches us how to use the ASCII diagramming tool Mermaid to make our class diagrams. The advantage of Mermaid over a graphical tool to make our diagrams is […]
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CCATP #751 — Bart Busschots on PBS 140 of X — UML Class Diagrams
Bart and I are back from summer vacation to kick back into gear on Programming By Stealth. As you may remember, we’ve been learning all of the tools we’ll need to rewrite, test, and document Bart’s password generation library xkpasswd from perl to JavaScript. In order to start the rewrite, we need to understand the […]
Continue readingCCATP #743 – Bart Busschots on PBS Tidbit 6 of Y — A Real-World Webpack Case Study
In the past few episodes of Programming By Stealth, Bart has been walking us through worked examples to demonstrate how to roll up a web app using Webpack. These worked examples have been contrived to show how to perform the task. This week in a Tidbit episode, Bart walks us through how he tried using […]
Continue readingCCATP #742 – Bart Busschots on PBS 139 of X — Bundling a Web App/Site with Webpack (Part 2)
In our last installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart started teaching us how to bundle an app/website using our bundler of choice, Webpack. The app/website he’s creating for us is very simplified but is intended to allow us to exercise every one of the kinds of things we’d want to bundle. This week we finish […]
Continue readingCCATP #738 – Bart Busschots on PBS 138 – Bundling a Web App/Site with Webpack (Part 1)
We’re back in the saddle after a summer of “PBS Adjacent” installments. Our last real PBS was learning how to use Webpack to bundle a JavaScript library for sharing with the world. That was cool, but a lot of us want to use Webpack to bundle a web app we’ve written ourselves to include all […]
Continue readingCCATP #736 – Bart Busschots on PBS Tidbit 5 of Y — Tips for the Vacationing Programmer
I’m about to go on vacation where I suspect I’ll have little to no Internet to play with. It would be really cool if I could use any downtime (like on the 11-hour plane flight) to do some programming. Unfortunately, our code is often filled with references to content delivery networks to get needed libraries […]
Continue readingCCATP #724 – Bart Busschots on PBS 137 of X — Bundling a Library with Webpack
We have one more thing to learn as we gear up to actually start writing modern code for Bart’s HSXKPasswd tool. The last piece of our tool kit is a bundler. In this installment, Bart teaches what problems bundlers solve, and he explains why he chose the bundler Webpack for our project. After learning about […]
Continue readingCCATP #721 – Bart Busschots on PBS Tibit 4 of Y — Rethinking a Web App – from Web Server to Cloud Stack
Over the past few months, went through a period of really poor performance. My site hadn’t been snappy in the last few years with page loads of up to 6 seconds, but it hit a tipping point where it was taking in excess of 40 seconds for pages to load. William Reveal and Bart […]
Continue readingCCATP #719 – Bart Busschots on PBS Tidbits 3 of Y
In this Programming By Stealth adjacent installment labeled Tidbits 3 of Y, Bart Busschots talks to us about the dangers of using other people’s code in your code, and the danger of not using other people’s code. He explains this seeming dichotomy and gives us ways to approach the problem taking a middle ground. He […]
Continue readingCCATP #717 – Bart Busschots on PBS 136 of X — More Jesting
Bart Busschots taught us the basics of Jest last time for our Test Driven Development environment. This week we learn to group our tests using the describe() function in Jest. Grouping tests with describe does more than eliminate the need to comment our code, it also provides more useful output from our tests and scopes […]
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