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Feeldom company logo with tagline "One bag for all"

CSUN ATC 2023: Feeldom Handcrafted Backpacks for Every Body

Allison interviews Adrianne Mascho from Feeldom about their handcrafted backpacks that are designed for those who are blind or with low vision and/or those who use a wheelchair. These backpacks are designed by actual wheelchair users who consider the needs and suggestions of people with all kinds of disabilities. Feeldom backpacks have a padded structure […]

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CSUN 2017: American Printing House Accessible Calculator

Allison interviews Ken Perry from American Printing House for the Blind about their new accessible calculators. APH makes the Orion TI-30XS MultiView Talking Scientific Calculator and the Orion TI-84 Plus Talking Graphing Calculator, both based on the familiar TI calculator designs. Both calculators announce each key in clear, high-quality speech, giving access to all menus, […]

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